A New Hampshire Film Industry Meet-Up, presented by the New Hampshire Film and Television Office, will take place on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 at 5 p.m. at the State Library, 20 Park Street in Concord.
The New Hampshire Film and Television Industry Meet-Up is a new program and an extension of our current industry roundtables. While our roundtables are designed to be lunch-time, business-oriented events with a focused topic, the meet-ups are scheduled in the early evening and are structured to allow attendees to drive the discussion. The format may change from time to time: one evening may be more like a "Pecha Kucha" type of event, another may adopt a "Speed Geeking" format, or the evening may take on a more traditional meet-up role (like the one on Sept. 29) with everyone having the chance to take a few minutes to introduce themselves and provide information on their recent or upcoming endeavors (yes, there will be a set time limit!)
Like the roundtable, the conversation at the meet-up is geared toward the working film industry and is free and open to the public.
If you plan on attending, please RSVP by Monday, September 28 via e-mail at film@nh.gov or by calling (603) 271-2220.
As our meet-up is being held during dinner hours, we encourage you take advantage of networking with attendees by visiting the restaurants in downtown Concord either before or after the event, all within walking distance of the State Library. A list of dining establishments along Main Street can be found here.
SAVE THE DATE -- New Hampshire Film Industry Meet-Up scheduled for September 29
Posted by
12:45 PM
Dee Foster Theriault: Dear Dee Dee
Posted by
7:27 AM

For the average gymnastics fan, the sport comes around every four years with the Olympics. For the rabid gymnastics fan, the sport is alive with excitement from recreational gymnastics to elite gymnastics to the burgeoning NCAA women's gymnastics teams each and every year. Unlike football or baseball, there really isn't a gymnastics season, so there is very little downtime. For an athlete that reaches the Level 10, Elite, and NCAA level, the talent pool dwindles down to a few gymnasts, not only at their club, but also across the country. That can lead to some isolation in the gym with the added pressure of trying to make the Olympic or World teams, or even obtaining a coveted NCAA scholarship. The athlete may start to compartmentalize all of their goals and take the stress of the sport into all aspects of their young lives, so that is where Dee Foster Theriault steps in.
As a former National and NCAA Champion, Dee understands the pressures of rising gymnasts whether their goals are in recreational or elite level gymnastics. She knows what it takes to make it to the top and she knows how to handle those obstacles that turn up along the way.

Dear Dee Dee is the first-ever mentoring program for gymnasts of all levels by establishing a relationship with the athlete and offering advice, not as a coach, but as a mentor. This is an important part of her philosophy to being "committed to the athlete and not the outcome." She states that she is "an outsider with a lot of insider information" and after over a decade away from the sport, she is ready to give back to a sport that gave her so much for 17 years.
The crucial part to her mentoring program is establishing parental involvement so that they can see the importance of their child's physical health, mental health, and see all perspectives of the athlete's life. Her parents were heavily involved in her development not only as a person, but also as a gymnast. As a result, she has a positive view on the sport and the famous coaches she trained under including Bela Karolyi, Don Peters, and University of Alabama coaches, David and Sarah Patterson. Dee knows that the Elite gymnast is going to have different needs than the NCAA gymnast who knows their body better, understands their physical limitations, and feels more confident voicing their opinion because they are older and competing every weekend. For the NCAA athlete, it is a job where you have to balance schoolwork, your behavior, your activities, and the sport that gave you a scholarship, gymnastics. So while the elite gymnast may need more mental health management, the NCAA gymnast may need more work on time management. The bottom line for Dear Dee Dee is delivering "healthy, fruitful gymnasts".

For more information on Dee Foster Theriault, Dear Dee Dee, and her book series, click here: Dear Dee Dee.
**For full disclosure, my testimonial is also up on Dee Foster Theriault's website. She is a true role model as well as a friend.**
Free time
Posted by
4:44 PM
Les dejo mi favorito...

Es muy bueno, no me lo pueden negar.. !! En este link pueden ver más MORE
47 Street Prim-Ver 09/10 - Colección
Posted by
11:43 AM
belen chavanne,
spring summer 2009 2010,
Dance Channel TV "Can't Miss List": Episode 6
Posted by
9:12 AM
The "Can't Miss List' continues to be one of my favorite pieces to shoot. I am finding that our fantastic writer, Suzanne Jolie, is writing it with more and more snark each episode. Who wouldn't love that? With dance really hitting its stride in mainstream media with shows like So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing with the Stars, it is ripe for ribbing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Feel free to comment on what you are looking for on our next "Can't Miss List"!
PS You have to love my crazy eyes in image above. Thanks, Blip.tv, you know how to make a girl look good. ;)
The Music Hall presents Telluride by the Sea, Sept. 18-20
Posted by
7:23 AM
[Received this press release from The Music Hall in Portsmouth.]
Six films fresh from their premiers at the 36th Telluride Film Festival in Colorado will be on screen at The Music Hall, the landmark Victorian theatre in downtown Portsmouth, as Telluride by the Sea gets under way Friday September 18 and runs until Sunday September 20. In keeping with the tradition, film titles will be released, and individual film tickets will go on sale, over Labor Day weekend. Patron and Weekend passes are on sale now. According to Chris Curtis, “We are in store for a particularly fine selection of films this year with many recognizable faces and names in both actor and director slots. I always look forward to this weekend in September and this year all the more! It’s going to be a sensational weekend – three days of film, food, and fun in the city ranked as one of National Geographic Traveler's ‘Historic Places.’ It’s all here – the historic waterfront, great shopping, dining, and people watching. It’s so easy to get in and out of town, with our inexpensive parking garage that allows you to really enjoy our great walking town.”
Patricia Lynch, Music Hall executive director notes, “Before you come, please note that the savvy TBTS patron gets the Weekend Pass for elite seating, the deluxe is of course of the Patron Pass will all the trimmings – for ticket info and to plan your visit, check www.themusichall.org
It all starts Friday September 18. Once you’ve checked into your hotel, or if you’re local, had a bite at any of Portsmouth’s 250 restaurants, head on over to the Hall. At 5pm, lines begin to form outside the theater, so get in line, rub elbows with other cinephiles queuing up on Chestnut Street, grab your popcorn from the street vendor and tune in to our roaming musician, accordion legend, Gary Sredzienski. At 6pm, Patron Passholders head in to the glamorous Founders Lobby for pre-film cocktails. At 7:30pm once everyone is seated inside, film curator/Telluride Film Festival co-founder Bill Pence introduces the opening night film. Be sure to stay after to continue the party and film discussion in the Founders Lobby.
Saturday September 19 morning, check out any number of great breakfast places. Your Patron or Weekend Pass gets you on board free for our Telluride cruise to Star Island and returns to the docks in time for the 2pm film. There’s a delightful break in between the afternoon and evening films - “Cinemange” at Radici, the Italian restaurant around the corner. Get ready for two back to back films that night. Then stroll through downtown for more nightlife.
Sunday September 20 Since our Sunday films don’t start until 2pm, you have plenty of time to sleep in and check out our working harbor and stroll to Prescott Park. Take the time to watch the Portsmouth Criterium, a fast paced bicycle race through the downtown. After your Sunday films, don’t forget the wrap party at 8:30pm at the great brew pub, Portsmouth Brewery!
Additional screenings this year
According to Patricia Lynch, “We recognize that for some of our patrons, Telluride by the Sea dates – which are determined by the Telluride Film Festival in Colorado - are in conflict with Rosh Hashanah. In an effort to be sensitive, we have worked hard to ensure that more people are able to participate in our film weekend by scheduling additional screenings late Sunday night (8:45pm) and Monday September 21 (7:30pm).
About Telluride by the Sea
The Music Hall and the Telluride Film Festival collaborate on an exclusive presentation of six new features, brought directly from their Colorado debuts. This unique and intimate Portsmouth event treats audience members from across the Northeast to an exclusive peek into the Telluride experience - packing one mid-September weekend with the latest international cinema, private parties, great music, delicious food, and inspired conversations with sympathetic cinephiles of all ages, tastes and backgrounds. According to Patricia Lynch, executive director of The Music Hall, “Portsmouth is the perfect town for this perfect weekend. With its charming mix of history, salt air, and film lovers, Portsmouth buzzes when Telluride by the Sea arrives. The streets are filled with people stopping one another to talk about the films, the restaurants are jumping. It’s a moving party!”
About the Telluride Film Festival
The Telluride Film Festival has been, for the last 36 years, a celebration of the art of film: honoring the great masters of the cinema, discovering the rare and unknown, bringing new works by the world's greatest directors and the latest in American independent film to a small mountain town in Colorado. The New York Times called Telluride "the smallest, most original, and most stimulating of the major festivals," while Entertainment Tonight simply said it was "the world's best festival."
Telluride by the Sea is made possible with the generous support of:
Weekend Sponsors
BayRing Communications
Harbour Light Strategic Marketing
Flygare, Schwarz & Closson PLLC
Isles of Shoals Steamship Company
Seatrade International Co., Inc.
Secure Planning, Inc.
Smuttynose Brewing Company
Veris Wealth Partners
New Hampshire Public Television
The Wire
Music Hall Season Sponsors
Liberty Mutual
Martin's Point Health Care
Please note: Portsmouth Criterium Bicycle Race will course through the downtown area Sunday afternoon, and most streets in the vicinity will be closed. Allow for limited parking and potential delays walking to our location.
Ticket information
Patron Pass - $200
Priority Seating to all six films, the Pre-SHOW Celebration, Post-SHOW Reception, and Telluride Cruise (as available, first come first board), and admission to Sunday night Wrap Party. Limited number available.
Weekend Pass - $85
Secondary Seating to all six films, Pre-SHOW Celebration, Telluride Cruise (as available, first come/first board), and Wrap Party admission.
Individual Ticket - $12.50/$10.50 for members
Admission, as available, to one selected film at the final seating. A limited number of individual tickets will be available in advance with complete program announcement on September 1. If a screening sells out, any unclaimed seats will be sold at the final seating (approximately 10 min. prior to showtime).
Telluride by the Sea Patron and Weekend Passes are on sale now through The Music Hall Box Office at 28 Chestnut Street, in downtown Portsmouth, by phone at 603.436.2400 or online at www.themusichall.org.
Individual film titles will be announced and tickets on sale Friday September 4, 2009
Six films fresh from their premiers at the 36th Telluride Film Festival in Colorado will be on screen at The Music Hall, the landmark Victorian theatre in downtown Portsmouth, as Telluride by the Sea gets under way Friday September 18 and runs until Sunday September 20. In keeping with the tradition, film titles will be released, and individual film tickets will go on sale, over Labor Day weekend. Patron and Weekend passes are on sale now. According to Chris Curtis, “We are in store for a particularly fine selection of films this year with many recognizable faces and names in both actor and director slots. I always look forward to this weekend in September and this year all the more! It’s going to be a sensational weekend – three days of film, food, and fun in the city ranked as one of National Geographic Traveler's ‘Historic Places.’ It’s all here – the historic waterfront, great shopping, dining, and people watching. It’s so easy to get in and out of town, with our inexpensive parking garage that allows you to really enjoy our great walking town.”
Patricia Lynch, Music Hall executive director notes, “Before you come, please note that the savvy TBTS patron gets the Weekend Pass for elite seating, the deluxe is of course of the Patron Pass will all the trimmings – for ticket info and to plan your visit, check www.themusichall.org
It all starts Friday September 18. Once you’ve checked into your hotel, or if you’re local, had a bite at any of Portsmouth’s 250 restaurants, head on over to the Hall. At 5pm, lines begin to form outside the theater, so get in line, rub elbows with other cinephiles queuing up on Chestnut Street, grab your popcorn from the street vendor and tune in to our roaming musician, accordion legend, Gary Sredzienski. At 6pm, Patron Passholders head in to the glamorous Founders Lobby for pre-film cocktails. At 7:30pm once everyone is seated inside, film curator/Telluride Film Festival co-founder Bill Pence introduces the opening night film. Be sure to stay after to continue the party and film discussion in the Founders Lobby.
Saturday September 19 morning, check out any number of great breakfast places. Your Patron or Weekend Pass gets you on board free for our Telluride cruise to Star Island and returns to the docks in time for the 2pm film. There’s a delightful break in between the afternoon and evening films - “Cinemange” at Radici, the Italian restaurant around the corner. Get ready for two back to back films that night. Then stroll through downtown for more nightlife.
Sunday September 20 Since our Sunday films don’t start until 2pm, you have plenty of time to sleep in and check out our working harbor and stroll to Prescott Park. Take the time to watch the Portsmouth Criterium, a fast paced bicycle race through the downtown. After your Sunday films, don’t forget the wrap party at 8:30pm at the great brew pub, Portsmouth Brewery!
Additional screenings this year
According to Patricia Lynch, “We recognize that for some of our patrons, Telluride by the Sea dates – which are determined by the Telluride Film Festival in Colorado - are in conflict with Rosh Hashanah. In an effort to be sensitive, we have worked hard to ensure that more people are able to participate in our film weekend by scheduling additional screenings late Sunday night (8:45pm) and Monday September 21 (7:30pm).
About Telluride by the Sea
The Music Hall and the Telluride Film Festival collaborate on an exclusive presentation of six new features, brought directly from their Colorado debuts. This unique and intimate Portsmouth event treats audience members from across the Northeast to an exclusive peek into the Telluride experience - packing one mid-September weekend with the latest international cinema, private parties, great music, delicious food, and inspired conversations with sympathetic cinephiles of all ages, tastes and backgrounds. According to Patricia Lynch, executive director of The Music Hall, “Portsmouth is the perfect town for this perfect weekend. With its charming mix of history, salt air, and film lovers, Portsmouth buzzes when Telluride by the Sea arrives. The streets are filled with people stopping one another to talk about the films, the restaurants are jumping. It’s a moving party!”
About the Telluride Film Festival
The Telluride Film Festival has been, for the last 36 years, a celebration of the art of film: honoring the great masters of the cinema, discovering the rare and unknown, bringing new works by the world's greatest directors and the latest in American independent film to a small mountain town in Colorado. The New York Times called Telluride "the smallest, most original, and most stimulating of the major festivals," while Entertainment Tonight simply said it was "the world's best festival."
Telluride by the Sea is made possible with the generous support of:
Weekend Sponsors
BayRing Communications
Harbour Light Strategic Marketing
Flygare, Schwarz & Closson PLLC
Isles of Shoals Steamship Company
Seatrade International Co., Inc.
Secure Planning, Inc.
Smuttynose Brewing Company
Veris Wealth Partners
New Hampshire Public Television
The Wire
Music Hall Season Sponsors
Liberty Mutual
Martin's Point Health Care
Please note: Portsmouth Criterium Bicycle Race will course through the downtown area Sunday afternoon, and most streets in the vicinity will be closed. Allow for limited parking and potential delays walking to our location.
Ticket information
Patron Pass - $200
Priority Seating to all six films, the Pre-SHOW Celebration, Post-SHOW Reception, and Telluride Cruise (as available, first come first board), and admission to Sunday night Wrap Party. Limited number available.
Weekend Pass - $85
Secondary Seating to all six films, Pre-SHOW Celebration, Telluride Cruise (as available, first come/first board), and Wrap Party admission.
Individual Ticket - $12.50/$10.50 for members
Admission, as available, to one selected film at the final seating. A limited number of individual tickets will be available in advance with complete program announcement on September 1. If a screening sells out, any unclaimed seats will be sold at the final seating (approximately 10 min. prior to showtime).
Telluride by the Sea Patron and Weekend Passes are on sale now through The Music Hall Box Office at 28 Chestnut Street, in downtown Portsmouth, by phone at 603.436.2400 or online at www.themusichall.org.
Individual film titles will be announced and tickets on sale Friday September 4, 2009
The Buzz
Posted by
6:49 AM

Here we are 8 weeks into The Web Files and the show has grown quicker than we ever imagined. We appreciate all of the support from the web series community. We hope to serve you well in our upcoming shows. Here's some of the buzz on The Web Files:
1. Named a "Web Series to Watch" by Jeff Elwell: Web Series 2 Watch.
2. One of my favorite Web Files supporters, Mathieas McNaughton, who kindly posts our show on his blog each week. Find out about short couches and a Christina Applegate reference: LG15 Today.
3. There's nothing like a happy talent, so thank you to Shanrah Wakefield for our shout out in her blog this week: Shanrah Wakefield.
4. Finally, we wouldn't have an Episode 8 without the show, Oz Girl. I'm telling you now, this cast and crew are going places. Make sure you are following the careers of Sophie Tilson, Shaun Crawford, Shanrah Wakefield, and Nicholas Carlton. You can find all of their Oz Girl work here: Oz Girl.
So, if you have had fun with us the past 8 weeks, I think you will truly enjoy our Fall offerings. We have some big names and series coming your way.
So, if you have had fun with us the past 8 weeks, I think you will truly enjoy our Fall offerings. We have some big names and series coming your way.
Episode 8: Oz Girl
Posted by
8:25 AM
The whole gang with purple bookends........
Another interview wrapped!................
My favorite photo of tall Shaun Crawford and our petite makeup artist, Marybeth Bagonghasa....
Guess I wasn't ready for this shot..........
Ah, much better............

I cannot believe I let a week slip by without a post! I was off doing a corporate host gig and I completely fell off of the grid. With that said, I am thrilled we are at the two-month mark with "The Web Files" and that our 8th episode features the talented cast of "Oz Girl". What can I say? This interview fell into our laps on the red carpet at iTVFest in July. We were interviewing them on the red carpet and before you know it, we had to scramble to find a location to shoot our episode with them in 3 days.
Check out Episode 8 here: Oz Girl.

I cannot believe I let a week slip by without a post! I was off doing a corporate host gig and I completely fell off of the grid. With that said, I am thrilled we are at the two-month mark with "The Web Files" and that our 8th episode features the talented cast of "Oz Girl". What can I say? This interview fell into our laps on the red carpet at iTVFest in July. We were interviewing them on the red carpet and before you know it, we had to scramble to find a location to shoot our episode with them in 3 days.
The cast and crew, comprised of Sophie Tilson, Shanrah Wakefield, Nick Carlton, and Shaun Crawford, were the hit of iTVFest where the show won Best Web Series and Best Acting. Everywhere they went, people stopped to congratulate them about "Oz Girl". They came in all the from Melbourne, Australia and they were rock stars that week. The show is fresh and funny. The cast is young and so cute! The crew is just genius. When Nick told me he began posting short films on the web in 2000 when he was 10-years-old, I started thinking this episode of "The Web Files" will be pulled out of the archives for E! after his wins his first Oscar.
I noticed an online comment that we needed a bigger couch for the episode. I laughed and I totally agree. We normally plan interviews about a month in advance, but with only 3 days to scramble to assemble our crew and equipment, we took advantage of whatever we could. So, we had a small couch, but a fabulous suite donated by the Ramada Plaza Hotel in West Hollywood. So, many thanks to them for making our show with "Oz Girl" a reality.
I recommend everyone reading this to bookmark, "Oz Girl", and watch one of the most addicting shows on the internet. The story is compelling and Shanrah Wakefield's (AKA Megan) one-liners are hilarious. Beyond being a group of young actors, writers, directors, and producers to watch, they are a fun gang of people to hang out with. Now, hurry with Season 2!!
(And come back to LA soon!)Check out Episode 8 here: Oz Girl.
Fledgling local film venture takes root
Posted by
6:19 AM
Nice piece on Ernest Thompson and Whitebridge Farm Productions in today's Citizen of Laconia. Check out the article here.
Posted by
12:48 PM

Yo en lo personal le tenía algunos prejuicios y de casualidad navegando por inet me topé con su web personal, me leei toda su web y la felicité por la creatividad, su forma de expresarse las cosas que hizo y sigue haciendo, me parece una mina re capaz y que consigue lo que se propone, se lo deberán decir todos, pero bueno.. CALU TE FELICITO.. Por suerte tuve la oportunidad de cruzarmela e intercambiar algunas palabras. Muy simpática e innovadora.
The Cobra Snake
Posted by
9:00 AM
Atlanta De Cadanet Taylor,
Plaza Serrano - Microcentro
Posted by
8:34 AM
Se inauguró oficialmente Plaza Serrano Moda, un local que sigue el modelo de feria de diseño independiente que se consagró en la plaza palermitaña de igual nombre, y ahora tiene también su espacio en pleno microcentro. El local está ubicado en Florida 730, “para que los turistas y los porteños que recorren el centro de nuestra ciudad, puedan conocer el verdadero diseño de autor argentino”, comentaron desde Plaza Serrano Moda.
Se trata de un amplio espacio que cada diseñador puede utilizar como local propio, donde contará con su vendedora exclusiva que gestionará sus ventas. Se destaca en la decoración una pantalla gigante donde se muestra todo el material que cada diseñador posee, además de videos de música y desfiles.

Los diseñadores que participan actualmente de Plaza Serrano Moda son Bendecida. Tu Cactus, El Gato Tomás, D Mil Amores, Positiva, Lola Diaz, Isadora Nunca, Bien de Amores, AWCA, Lo que quieras, Carla Bordón, Hermana Indumentaria, Ay Victoria, María Chia, Tialaloca, Casú, Pi-Em, Nicky Brown, Porquevistes, Ley de Atracción, Javier Clemente, Floralola, Pecados Divinos,Vihuela y Llena Eres De Gracia.
by amo la moda
BAFWEEK PRIM-VER 09/10 1er día no oficial.
Posted by
8:17 AM
Colección Prim Verano 09/10 - AY.Not Dead
En lo personal por las fotos que ví del desfile me gustó, pero esperaba algo mejor.

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