Happy New Year! Thank you for an amazing 2009. Here's a final look at December......
In San Diego about an hour before 2010. Not my finest photo, but definitely my last photo of 2009.

At the LA show with my newest friend, Shannon Brown, Jr. For you Lakers fans, this is Shannon Brown's little guy. His daddy was busy signing autographs.

Our farm animals and their official Christmas 2009 photo:

I will be inside these gates on February 1, 2010. Google "Club 33" if you have no idea what I am talking about. Stay tuned for coverage next month.

Splash Mountain on Christmas Day 2009:
Outside the Pantages Theatre before a performance of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Thank you, Tiger B., for the amazing tickets! (Yes, that's Tiger B., not Tiger W.)
A Christmas treat in the mail! Thanks to Cookie and Dave for the snacks. 
Our last shoot of 2009, Dorm Life! This episode is coming your way soon......
And a little Legend of Neil to start out 2010. This was our second to last shoot of the year. 
My birthday and my favorite treat, cupcakes! 1 of 3 that I ate that day. 
Here's to a wonderful new year and new decade. May 2010 bring many joys and successes to your life!