New England Film Festival Call for Entries
Call for Films: The Online New England Film Festival Screen Online for 45 days * Audience & Jury Awards * Winners Screen at Coolidge Corner in Boston * Prizes & more...
The 1st Annual Online New England Film Festival, presented by, will launch as an online showcase of selected films from September 1, 2009 through October 15, 2009. The Online New England Film Festival will showcase films under 30 minutes in the following categories: animation, children/family, comedy, documentary,and drama. The films will be selected by staff and the festival's esteemed jury. In addition, the festival has partnered with Women in Film Video New England (WIFVNE) who will jury the special category New England Women Above the Line for films under 30 minute produced, directed, or written by a woman or women based in New England.
$20 Early Deadline: April 1, 2009
$25 Regular Deadline: May 15, 2009
$30 Late Deadline: June 1, 2009
$50 Extended (Withoutabox only): June 15, 2009
Note: $5 discount for students with a photocopy of a valid ID and Withoutabox member plans.
Mastering Film Scheduling and Budgeting workshop scheduled for May 1-3 in Tilton, NH
Sponsored by Imagine News, Red Hawk Entertainment, Granite Media Center, and Entertainment Partners. During this fast-paced 2½-day workshop, potential filmmakers will focus on the process of scheduling and budgeting a screenplay to arrive at its estimated cost, on time. Red Hawk Entertainment's Dorothy Aufiero, feature film and television producer, will be leading the workshop, joined by Rich Guay of Entertainment Partners. They will guide attendees through a working knowledge of the industry standard software programs EP Scheduling and EP Budgeting.
Starting with the reading of a pre-selected script and an overview of scheduling, Dorothy will demonstrate the process of manually breaking down the script into individual scenes and determining the elements necessary within each scene. With an understanding of the software fundamentals, students will create breakdown sheets and then determine calendars and shooting schedules.
Having grasped the functional, during day two, attendees will learn to run “day-out-of-day” reports and how to manipulate the shooting schedule based on consolidation of elements to maximize the costs. The process of selecting a budget template, defining globals, fringes and contractual charges and determining what size film budget best fits the project will then be explained. The day will conclude with incorporating elements gathered from the estimated shooting schedule into a preliminary budget and appropriate categories.
During the final day, students will create their own budgets using EP Budgeting software assisted by Dorothy and Rich.
In addition to workshop instructions, students will enjoy a luncheon with industry representatives including Chris O’Donnell, IATSE Local 481; Dona Somers, AFTRA/SAG; Sean O’Brien, Teamsters Local 25, and Carol Patton, Imagine News. The luncheon is sponsored by Entertainment Partners.
This is a unique opportunity to learn not only the mechanics of film scheduling and budgeting, but also the rationale as these recognized professionals share their industry experience.
Details can be found here.
Starbucks abre un megalocal en la calle Florida
Se trata de la sexta tienda de la cafetería instalada en Argentina, la cual se encuentra ubicada en la peatonal Florida, en pleno centro de la Capital Federal, y es la de mayor
El local que se extiende a lo largo de 360 metros cuadrados, cuenta con dos pisos y a diferencia de los otros, dispone de cuatro cajas registradoras, ofrece 80
La compañía ya adelantó la llegada de los tres próximos locales, que será en el transcurso de estos dos meses. Por un lado, en el Shopping Abasto, ubicado sobre la avenida Corrientes, y otros dos en el nuevo DOT Buenos Aires Shopping que se inaugurará en abril frente a la avenida General Paz, en la zona norte.
Por su parte, Starbucks creó más de 200 nuevos puestos de
La firma, asociada al operador de restaurantes mexicano Alsea, tomó la decisión de instalarse en Argentina, luego de analizar el mercado local con el objetivo de adaptar el modelo de negocio al gusto de los consumidores argentinos.
Y la realidad es que la cadena que posee más de 13.000 locales en todo el mundo, conquistó al a los porteños arrancando con su batido “Frapuccino” a base de dulce de leche, un componente clásico de la repostería local, y otras exquisiteces poco tradicionales en nuestro país como el “Iced Coffee Frozen”, que empezó a ponerse de moda en Buenos Aires y que la competencia comenzó a incorporar en su abanico de posibilidades, cuando se vieron “fuera de moda” al ofrecer en su carta, un simple café con leche con medialunas, o una lágrima o capuccino tradicional.
“Estamos muy contentos de poder inaugurar finalmente esta tienda, la de mayor capacidad de América Latina, en una de las peatonales más transitadas de Buenos Aires”, explicó Diego Paolini, gerente general Starbucks Coffee Argentina. “Estamos muy emocionados por las oportunidades que la Argentina le brinda a Starbucks y seguiremos trabajando para continuar llevando la ‘Experiencia Starbucks´ a todos aquellos lugares en donde nuestros clientes esperan encontrarnos”, finalizó el máximo responsable de la marca en el país.
El nuevo Starbucks de calle Florida:
Dot Baires Shopping
El Centro Comercial cuenta con amplios espacios verdes que pueden ser apreciados desde los diferentes niveles del shopping. Estos espacios exteriores están dispuestos en forma de terrazas y contenidos por una cascada de agua que cae sobre la pared que cierra el edificio.
Ideal para apreciar apreciar los diferentes tonos de verde, el agua cayendo y el cielo mientras pasea por el mall.
En las terrazas se disponen de espacios para la gastronomía entre las diversas especies de vegetación y una zona de entretenimientos al aire libre lo que lo convierte en una excelente opción para disfrutar de un día en familia.
¿Cómo llegar?
Este shopping esta estratégicamente ubicado en la intersección de las dos autopistas de mayor circulación vehicular del país y las cuales conforman la puerta de egreso e ingreso obligada a la Ciudad de Buenos Aires hacia y desde la zona norte del Gran Buenos Aires.
¿Cuándo abre?
Falta muy poco... lo informaremos pronto.
Local Reality TV Show Iron Brides™ To Air Beginning March 26
Iron Brides™ is a New England based Reality TV show originating in NH. Season I (NH) begins to air March 26th .
Concord NH -- Beginning March 26, 2009, the first 13 episodes of Iron Brides™ will be broadcast weekly on MY-TV and carried on cable TV from NH's Lakes Region, south to Cape Cod. Part reality TV, part game show, and part primer for brides-to-be, Iron Brides™ will air Thursday nights at 11:00PM.
Season One's 13 episodes were filmed entirely in New Hampshire, on 24 unique sets, with 27 speakers/presenters and over 30 unique segments. The show taped in communities as diverse as Concord, Hampton, Portsmouth, Suncook, Sugar Hill and Nashua.
The show brought eight women together to compete for great prizes for their wedding. “What they didn’t know was that the show was skillfully crafted to help prepare them, not only for their wedding day, but for the first five years of their marriage and beyond” reports Executive Producer George C. Jobel.
The women were taken through challenges calculated to give them either tips and skills to better plan their weddings or to help them grow and mature personally. They worked with professionals as diverse as life coaches, personal trainers, attorneys, jewelers, bridal consultants, financial consultants, make up artists, hair stylists, French chefs, pastry chefs, masseuses, florists, protocol officers, mixologists and much more.
“The show will provide a little something for everyone” Jobel explained. “In addition to all the lessons learned by great wedding professionals, these women faced all the normal fears women have. Add the anxieties of wedding planning, the tension of competition and the complexities of living and adapting to seven strangers and the uncertainty of never knowing what you are doing an hour from now, and you can grasp the rich tapestry of the show’s composition.”
The show is directed by Jeff Thayer. The contestants include Tarryn Brandl (Milford, NH),
Nicole Corvini (Melrose, MA), Vania Crevier (Belmont, NH), Tricia Comi (Portsmouth, NH), Amy Dole (Gonic, NH), Jennifer Lessard (Somersworth, NH), Darlene Ramsey (York, ME), and Kylin Szlosek (Hampton, NH).
The grand prize winner will walk away with a $9,000 dream wedding photography and videography package. The winner will be chosen by the show’s audience. Viewers will be able to vote online. The show is already auditioning women for Season II, to be filmed in the greater Boston area and Cape Cod.
For complete information, visit the show’s website at www.IronBrides.TV.
Womanimation! at Red River Theatres on March 28
MergingArts Productions and the Red River Theatres are proud to present the debut edition of the Womanimation! film festival on March 28 at the Red River Theaters at 11 South Main Street in Concord, NH. As the name implies, the festival showcases animated films, both shorts and features, created by women from the US and Europe.
The festival takes place in conjunction with the second international SWAN Day (Support Women Artists Now), an event designed to highlight the contributions of women artists of all kinds, on the last weekend of Women’s History Month (March).
There will be two programs, one of short films, and one highlighting the first feature film from Nina Paley, Sita Sings the Blues, which blends music from 1920s jazz singer Annette Hanshaw with an animated interpretation of the Indian epic myth The Ramayana.
Each program will be presented as an afternoon matinee and an evening show. Details on show times can be found at or
New England Womanimators! will also be highlighted, including Karen Aqua, a thirty-year veteran of the industry, and newcomer Kara Nasdor-Jones. The films run the gamut of styles, from traditional hand-drawn to stop-motion to 3-d.
A number of the films are comic explorations of women’s issues, such as Streetcar Named Perspire, a seven-minute flash animation about menopause by Portland animator Joanna Priestly. Others are more universally-themed, such as award-winning animator Signe Baumane’s Veterinarian, a look at job burnout and inspiration.
The festival will conclude with an evening reception with DJ Madame B spinning music from women across the globe, as well as refreshments courtesy of local sponsors, and mingling with filmmakers.
For more information on the festival, contact Toni Pennacchia, Director of MergingArts Productions at , or visit
Arts Stimulus Funding Information
[Information forwarded from the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts.]
Arts Stimulus Funding Guidelines Posted on NEA website - Info on applying for state grants to come separately
Application guidelines for direct NEA support through The Arts and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 are now available on the NEA's web site:
The deadline to apply is 11:59 p.m., April 2, 2009.
In addition, stimulus funds will be distributed through the state arts agencies. The New Hampshire State Council on the Arts has been allocated $293,100. This message describes the application process for the direct grants from the NEA. We will release information regarding state re-grants in a separate message.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 recognizes that the nonprofit arts industry is an important sector of the economy. In accordance with this Act, the National Endowment for the Arts has received funds to help preserve jobs in the nonprofit arts sector that are threatened by declines in philanthropic and other support during the current economic downturn.
This program will be carried out through one-time grants to eligible nonprofit organizations including arts organizations, local arts agencies, statewide assemblies of local arts agencies, arts service organizations, units of state or local government, and a wide range of other organizations that can help advance the goals of the Arts Endowment and this program. Grants will be made to organizations for their own job preservation projects and to designated local arts agencies, eligible to subgrant, for subgranting programs to eligible nonprofit organizations.
All applicants must be previous NEA award recipients from the past four years (see "Applicant Eligibility" for more information).
In addition to the guidelines, please see the Frequently Asked Questions.
Electronic application through is MANDATORY.
1) Verify that your organization has completed all steps of the registration process. If you have already successfully submitted an electronic application, renew/verify your registration.
2) Verify that you have a version of Adobe Reader that is supported by installed on your computer before you download your new application package from
3) Submit your application no later than 10 days prior to the deadline to give yourself ample time to resolve any problems that you might encounter. You take a significant risk by waiting until the day of the deadline to submit.
The help desk is available to assist you 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. (Phone: 1-800-518-4726.)
Submit your application outside of's hours of heaviest usage, generally noon to 5 p.m. Eastern Time.
The Arts Endowment will not accept late applications.
For questions about your specific project or the content of your application, contact the staff for the field/discipline that is most appropriate for your project:
Artist Communities, Music, Opera, Presenting: 202-682-5438 Dance, Design, Media Arts, Museums, Visual Arts: 202-682-5452 Folk & Traditional Arts, Musical Theater, Theater: 202-682-5428
Literature: 202-682-5757
Local Arts Agencies: 202-682-5097
The National Endowment for the Arts
NH Media Makers Meet-Up on Sunday, March 8
The next NH Media Makers meet-up is this Sunday, March 8th at 10 am at Crackskulls Coffee and Books in Newmarket.
We talk shop, share projects, and learn in an informal setting. Mingling starts at 10 am followed by a sharing session where YOU are the featured speaker. Everyone gets 3 minutes to pitch, promote, show-and-tell, and/or ask questions of the entire group. All are welcome. We are artists, bloggers, photographers, podcasters, filmmakers, mainstream media, citizen journalists, small and large business owners, Social Media fanatics, or people just wanting to learn, share, and collaborate. And word of mouth is spreading, so come early to get a good seat. Or even better... bring a folding chair if you have one.
NYFW IV - OT INV 09/10
Otoño - Invierno '09


Marc Jacobs quiere dejar bien claro que no tenía en mente los abatares de la crisis cuando concibió su nueva propuesta para el invierno que viene: "Pensé en los maravillosos años ochenta en Nueva York. Aquellos tiempos en los que vestirse era un verdadero placer". Solo el diseñador conoce sus vivencias en discotecas como Area, Palladium y Paradise Garage, sin embargo, su incisivo y fotográfico estudio ochentero nos llega más intenso, directo y personal que nunca.
No es una novedad que Jacobs se decante por patrones arquitectónicos de inspiración 80´s, sin embargo, su nueva propuesta incluye relevantes novedades. Dosis y dosis de laca, maquillaje punk chic al estilo Duran Duran y pañuelos de paisley acompañan un menú que incluye abrigos con pronunciadas hombreras, faldas tubo y minivestidos satinados, magistralmente drapeados con el fin de adquirir audaces volúmenes que parten de la cintura.
El terciopelo se convierte en otro de los elementos protagonistas de su nueva colección. Una de las salidas consistía en un breve vestido wrap amarillo con piel de melocotón, recogido por un cinturón de cuero negro y medias tupidas.
Maxigafas-máscara de corte cuadrado inspiradas en Grace Jones, bolsos acolchados con asas de cadena y botines puntiagudos con lazadas son algunos de los complementos que destacan en una propuesta que rezuma optimismo y se basa en una década repleta de exceso.
Por Pedro Zozaya

NH Film Festival opens call for entries, announces 2009 dates for 9th annual Film Fest
Oct. 15-18 in Downtown Portsmouth, NH
Attention filmmakers, The New Hampshire Film Festival will take place Oct. 15-18 in downtown Portsmouth and the call for entries is now officially open. Films and screenplays are already pouring in, according to organizers.
The NHFF has garnered national press coverage including in Moviemaker Magazine. Filmmakers and writers entered more than 600 films and 100 screenplays in 2008 when more than 6,000 people attended the festival. Filmmakers should visit to enter with upload service
“A ton of film and screenplay entries have already poured into the NH Film Festival offices,” said NHFF Executive Director Nicole Gregg. “We urge filmmakers and writers to enter as early as possible this year so that we can keep up with the incredible response we've been so fortunate to experience.”
With a lineup of films coming from international festivals such as Sundance, Berlin, and Cannes, the NHFF program has evolved to compare to major film festivals, according to Gregg. NHFF entries are being accepted in the following categories: Feature Narrative; Feature Documentary; Short Comedy; Short Drama; Short Documentary; Student; Animation; and Screenplay. Submission deadlines for the 9th Annual New Hampshire Film Festival are as follows: Early Bird entries close June 5. Early entries close July 5. Late entries close August 5. Without A Box entries online close Aug. 15.
While NHFF has increasingly drawn international submissions, (more than 20 countries were represented in 2008) Gregg urged filmmakers with New Hampshire ties to submit any genre of film to NHFF's special New Hampshire Night when Granite State films will be screened, scheduled this year for Thursday, Oct. 15.
“NHFF is about great film and we are committed to giving local filmmakers a venue to share their work as well as experience a world class festival in their own backyard,” Gregg said.
NHFF will be announcing prizes and juries during the coming months as sponsorships, participating artists and other details are finalized. To stay in touch with NHFF announcements, sign up for the mailing list at Past prizes have included cash, software, equipment and more.
NHFF's 2008 winners included: Best Short Comedy Award: "Cutlass," director Kate Hudson; Best Short Drama: "Centigrade," directors Colin Cunningham, Madison Graie; Best Animation Award: "The Magistical," directors John Cernak, Danny Oakley, writer John Cernak; Best Student Award: "The Abattoir," director/writer, T.J. Volgare; Best Documentary Award: "I.O.U.S.A.," director Patrick Creadon; Grand Jury Award: "The Life Before Her Eyes," director Vadim Perelman, writer Emil Stern; Best Feature Award, "The Unknown Woman," director/writer Giuseppe Tornatore; Best Screenplay Award: "The Stunning Box," by David Bertoni, Yarmouth, Maine; and Audience Choice Award: "Between the Folds," feature-length documentary, by Vanessa Gould.
Winners of New Hampshire awards included New Hampshire Documentary Film Award: "Communities and Consequences," director/writer Jay Childs; and the New Hampshire Film of the Year Award: "Sick Sex," by Justin Nowell, director and co-writer with Thomas Nowell.s
About NHFF | The non-profit New Hampshire Film Festival is the only event of its kind in the state. Its mission is to celebrate the art of filmmaking by uniting professional filmmakers, screenwriters, and film students with industry experts, educators, and film connoisseurs from around the globe.
In 2008, more than 6,000 people attended the four-day festival held the weekend after Columbus Day. NHFF relocated to Portsmouth in 2004 after starting in Derry in 2001 when it was known as the New Hampshire Film Expo. Further information will be available online at as the NHFF judges panel selects films for acceptance. Advertising and sponsorship opportunities are also available by calling 603.647.6439.