Referred to as “one of the leading lights in African cinema” by the Harvard Film Archive, top African director Mahamat-Saleh Haroun will appear at The Music Hall for conversation following the showing of his sixth and latest film, Daratt (Dry Season), as part of the “Africa on Film” series in SummerFilm@The Music Hall, Wednesday July 16 at 7:30pm. He will be introduced by Music Hall film curator and Telluride Film Festival co-founder Bill Pence and will be interviewed by Virginia Prescott, host of the new NHPR program, Word of Mouth. Prior to joining NHPR, Prescott was editor and producer for the nationally syndicated programs On Point and Here & Now produced at WBUR in Boston. Throughout her radio career, Virginia helped set up independent radio stations in developing regions in southern and West Africa. Haroun will start his US visit picking up the Dartmouth Film Award, then he’ll present Daratt to the Maine International Film Festival, stop in Portsmouth at The Music Hall before heading to Harvard where he will receive the McMillan-Stewart Fellowship in Distinguished Filmmaking, awarded by Harvard's Film Study Center.
Daratt will play at the 1878 Music Hall, called “one of the premier venues on the New England seaboard...a mandatory destination” by Yankee Magazine, set in downtown Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the hip historic seaport city recently named a “Distinctive Destination” for 2008 by National Trust for Historic Preservation. National Geographic Traveler referred to Portsmouth as “one of the boutique cities of America, and it’s blossoming right now.”
About Daratt
The film is set in Haroun’s home country of Chad. After a forty-year civil war, the government amnesties all war criminals. 16-year-old Atim offers his service as apprentice to the man who killed his father, with the intent to exact revenge. Daratt received the Grand Special Jury Prize at the Venice International Film Festival, the UNESCO Award, and the Amnesty International Award. The New York Times said, “Gently and quietly told…an unassumingly political work…the simplicity of a parable and the gravity of a Bible story. Daratt tells this story of a would-be boy-killer and his prey with restraint, a touch of humor and an elegant eye. The film has the feel of a gift.” Written (in French and Chadian Arabic, with English subtitles) and directed by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun; director of photography, Abraham Haile Biru; edited by Marie-Helene Dozo; music by Wasis Diop; produced by Abderrahmane Sissako; released by ArtMattan Productions. With Ali Bacha Barkai (Atim); Youssouf Djaoro (Nassara), Aziza Hisseine (Aicha), Djibril Ibrahim (Moussa), Fatime Hadje (Auntie Moussa) and Khayar Oumar Defallah (Grandfather). R, 96 min, Chad, 2006
Filmmaker speaks of “colonization by images”
Haroun, who left Chad during the country’s fight for independence, settled in France but returns to Chad to make his films despite significant obstacles. According to The Guardian, “There is only one proper cinema in the African republic, and that is housed in a French cultural complex. Film screenings in village halls are frequently suspended during the rainy season. The country has no professional actors, no film technicians or cinematographers, nowhere to develop film stock, no government film office, no public or private money for indigenous cinema.” But this only makes Haroun more passionate about making films there. Haroun believes that unless people see their own images on screen instead of those from Europe or America, there occurs what he likes to call “a colonization by images.” The Harvard Film Archive said, “He excels at spinning narratives that begin with easily recognizable situations – usually the loss of a parent – and expand to encompass allegorical and political reflection on the state of Chadian society. Often calm on the surface, Haroun's filmmaking belies this calm with simmering strains of anger and melancholy.”
Daratt is just one of 13 films selected for the Africa on Film series. According to film curator Bill Pence, “Our intention is to show a broad range of films about Africa from different perspectives, including contemporary African film artists and documentaries that comment on the current state of affairs, and films that have not been seen in New England. It’s a huge undertaking – it’s a continent not a country!”Other films include King Solomon’s Mines, Hotel Rwanda, Yeelen, Bamako, Nowhere in Africa, and The Last King of Scotland.
Beyond the Africa series, the balance of the 42 films in SummerFilm@the Music Hall ranges from the “absolute delight” (Boston Globe) of the just released Son of Rambow, to Helen Hunt’s recent directorial debut, Then She Found Me. Classics span from Charlie Chaplin’s 1931 City of Lights to Ridley Scott’s Bladerunner: Finally, a War & Peace Weekend is planned for July 25-27 to show the original uncut Oscar winning 1968 four part film of Tolstoy’s epic. As Music Hall Film Coordinator Chris Curtis says, “Summer goes by fast - no film will show more than three days - be quick or you'll miss it!”
About “Africa on Film”
Africa has been a source of inspiration for filmmakers since cinema's earliest days. This summer's Wednesday series represents an overview of that history, from the naive entertainment of King Solomon's Mines and Tarzan and His Mate to the more complex Hotel Rwanda and Last King of Scotland of recent years. The large and culturally diverse continent of Africa lends itself to stories with big themes - the perils of globalization, the plundering and dwindling of natural resources, the persistence of racism and lingering effects of colonialism, ongoing tribal wars and poverty. It's also a continent of staggering natural beauty and rich spiritual and artistic culture. To see Africa from without and from within, through the fogged lens of the past and the sharper lens of the present, is to see disparities that have influenced culture on both sides of the ocean. We can feel nothing but gratitude for filmmakers such as Souleymane Cissé and Mahamet-Saleh Haroun and the artists in Nollywood (Nigeria's exploding film industry), for exploring and presenting their world in their own voices. Check for information and updates on special guests and discussions related to the series.
Purchasing SummerFilm tickets
SummerFilm tickets are $8.50 and are on sale a half hour before each film at The Music Hall box office, 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Golden Tickets, which provide two admissions, two fountain drinks and one large popcorn for each and every SummerFilm movie, can be purchased at the Box Office starting May 1 for $300.
For information, call our 24-hour Film Line: 603-436-9900
Please note: Due to the renovation of our lower lobby, from July 1 - September 18, event ticket sales will be restricted to phone, internet and mail. SummerFilm tickets will be sold 1/2 hour before the start of each film at the outside box office window on Chestnut Street. There will be no elevator access.
Top African director Mahamat-Saleh Haroun to speak following "Daratt" screening July 16
Posted by
6:49 AM
Stagehands needed for pre-race concerts at NASCAR race weekend in Loudon
Posted by
7:04 AM
DSS, Inc. of Lenexa, Kansas is looking for several stagehands to help with the load-in/load-out of audio equipment for pre-race concerts during the upcoming NASCAR race weekend at New Hampshire Motor Speedway in Loudon on June 28 and 29, 2008.
Six (6) stagehands are needed for load-in/load-out and set-up/strike of equipment on Saturday, June 28 from 1-7pm and Sunday, June 29 from 11am-6pm. Looking for the same six stagehands to work both Saturday and Sunday calls. Job pays $100/day.
Two (2) additional techs are needed for a separate call on Sunday, June 29 from 6am-3pm to assist with the load-in/load-out of the talent’s backline (setting up drums, guitars, etc.) Previous experience preferred. Job pays $125 for the day.
Please contact Meredith Lemon directly at DSS, Inc. (e-mail inquiries only, please!) at
Six (6) stagehands are needed for load-in/load-out and set-up/strike of equipment on Saturday, June 28 from 1-7pm and Sunday, June 29 from 11am-6pm. Looking for the same six stagehands to work both Saturday and Sunday calls. Job pays $100/day.
Two (2) additional techs are needed for a separate call on Sunday, June 29 from 6am-3pm to assist with the load-in/load-out of the talent’s backline (setting up drums, guitars, etc.) Previous experience preferred. Job pays $125 for the day.
Please contact Meredith Lemon directly at DSS, Inc. (e-mail inquiries only, please!) at
"Including Samuel" news
Posted by
5:08 AM
Dan Habib's documentary, Including Samuel, is featured in an article in today's Portsmouth Herald and was also given some great exposure on a recent segment of Good Morning America NOW. You can see the segment here.
Posted by
12:08 PM

Fecha de Nac: 23/04/1986
Signo: Tauro
Lugar de nacimiento: Ontario, Canadá
Altura: 1,78m
Ocupación: Modelo

esta top de ojos azules y rasgados triunfó en el mundo de la moda tras ganar el concurso de modelos Los Angeles Model Look Search 2002. Previamente, en septiembre de 2001, Michele Miller, cazatalentos de la agencia Internacional Model Management, la descubrió en un coffee shop del parque temático Canada’s Wonderland, y la convenció para trabajar en el mundo de la moda.

El 2003 fue el año de consagración de Jessica que vio como su rostro protagonizaba la portada de la prestigiosa revista Vogue italiana en tres meses distintos. Además, fue elegida como modelo de la campaña de Miu Miu para la temporada de primavera-verano, lo que supuso su salto a la publicidad internacional.
Tras estos primeros éxitos, a los que acompañó la participación en algunos de los desfiles más importantes, llegaron otros muchos. Entre otros trabajos, ha protagonizado las publicidades de firmas como SJ, Dolce & Gabbana, Prada, Marc Jacobs, Valentino Couture y Cerruti Jeans.
By Hola

Posted by
11:28 AM
agyness deyn,
round sunglasses,
united kingdom,
Local field producer for "Deadliest Catch" featured in TelevisionWeek Magazine
Posted by
11:27 AM
Matt Renner, a New Hampshire native and a cameraman/field producer on Discovery Channel’s hit TV series, Deadliest Catch, was featured in a recent article in TelevisionWeek, a trade magazine delivering news, analysis and data on television and media. The article, written by Debra Kaufman and appearing in the June 2, 2008 issue, can be found here.
New Hampshire Film and Television Office holds industry roundtable
Posted by
11:24 AM
The New Hampshire Film and Television Office held its quarterly film industry roundtable on Thursday, June 12, 2008 at Red River Theatres in Concord with approximately fifty industry professionals, amateurs and students attending the three-hour networking event. The roundtable featured an update on recent initiatives by the Film and Television Office, including promoting the in-state production industry to upcoming political campaign ads shot in New Hampshire and encouraging state agencies to look to New Hampshire talent when producing television or web-based content. There was also a discussion about the new Red One digital video camera and the impact of digital technology on today’s film sets, as well as a productive dialogue on tax incentives for filmmakers and promoting what is already seen as “the New Hampshire advantage.” Attendees also had the opportunity to tour Red River Theatres and connect with other members of the state’s film and television industry. The next industry roundtable hosted by the New Hampshire Film and Television Office will be held on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 from 12-3 p.m. with the location of the event to be announced shortly.
State promotional initiatives and the New Hampshire film industry
Posted by
11:15 AM
NOTE: Unfortunately, our August 2008 e-newsletter has the wrong link to the Southwest Airlines partnership release here on the blog. If you've been redirected (misdirected) to this article by our e-newsletter, click here to get to the Southwest Airlines information. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Many people don’t realize that there is a New Hampshire law on the books (RSA 21-Q:1) stating that, in consultation with the New Hampshire Film Commission, a state agency that contracts with the private sector for the use of film or video in an advertising, promotional, or educational program shall use New Hampshire talent whenever possible. In this RSA, "New Hampshire talent'' means the people used both in front of and behind the camera. The New Hampshire Film and Television Office is currently having discussions with various state agencies about their promotional initiatives and encouraging them to reach out to in-state production companies when media projects are put out to bid. The Film and Television Office has been speaking with both state agencies and their contracted creative firms about contacting the Office when a project goes out to bid so that a list of New Hampshire production companies can be provided to them and the information on the Request For Proposals can be passed along to the state’s film and television industry. So far, the response from state agencies has been positive and those involved have expressed interest in cooperating with the Film and Television Office in an effort to include New Hampshire companies in the bid process. More information coming soon.
Many people don’t realize that there is a New Hampshire law on the books (RSA 21-Q:1) stating that, in consultation with the New Hampshire Film Commission, a state agency that contracts with the private sector for the use of film or video in an advertising, promotional, or educational program shall use New Hampshire talent whenever possible. In this RSA, "New Hampshire talent'' means the people used both in front of and behind the camera. The New Hampshire Film and Television Office is currently having discussions with various state agencies about their promotional initiatives and encouraging them to reach out to in-state production companies when media projects are put out to bid. The Film and Television Office has been speaking with both state agencies and their contracted creative firms about contacting the Office when a project goes out to bid so that a list of New Hampshire production companies can be provided to them and the information on the Request For Proposals can be passed along to the state’s film and television industry. So far, the response from state agencies has been positive and those involved have expressed interest in cooperating with the Film and Television Office in an effort to include New Hampshire companies in the bid process. More information coming soon.
Campaign ads in New Hampshire
Posted by
11:07 AM

In the news...
Posted by
6:22 AM
Be sure to check out Beth Eisenberg's nice article on New Hampshire's independent film scene in today's Nashua Telegraph.
Posted by
7:30 PM
Siento que se me va destruyendo el corazon por dentro que poco a poco se va
retorsijando, no quiero decirlo pero te amo TE AMO y al parecer nunca deje de sentirlo
yo pense o quise creer que no te amaba que simplemnente te queria y que amor ya no
sentia, despues de pensar y dejar hablar a mi corazon despues de tantas vueltas al rededor
de la pileta me decidi quise ir, tirarme sambullirme, me tire...
Pero me ahogué.
retorsijando, no quiero decirlo pero te amo TE AMO y al parecer nunca deje de sentirlo
yo pense o quise creer que no te amaba que simplemnente te queria y que amor ya no
sentia, despues de pensar y dejar hablar a mi corazon despues de tantas vueltas al rededor
de la pileta me decidi quise ir, tirarme sambullirme, me tire...
Pero me ahogué.
Las Vueltas de La Vida
Posted by
3:09 PM
He encontrado por internet una noticia que no puedo no publicarla...
"Dos gemelas separadas al nacer se encuentran por azar a los 28."
Unas hermanas gemelas de la isla de Gran Canaria, separadas al poco de nacer por un error del hospital, se encontraron por pura casualidad 28 años después, explicó este martes el abogado de una de ellas, que reclama tres millones de euros por daños y perjuicios.
Una de las gemelas, nacidas en 1973, fue entregada por error a otra familia cuando las sacaron de la incubadora del hospital. Al mismo tiempo, la pequeña de esa familia fue entregada a los padres de las gemelas, que se conocieron por casualidad en el año 2001, gracias a una amiga de una de ellas.
Según ha contado a la radio Cadena Ser el abogado de la gemela entregada a otra familia, Sebastián Socorro, la otra gemela fue a comprar ropa a un centro comercial donde trabajaba una amiga de la primera. Creyó que era ella y se acercó a saludarla, pero ésta se sorprendió y -lógicamente- dijo ser otra persona.
"La amiga llama a mi clienta y ésta le dice que ella no ha pasado por el centro comercial", explicó el abogado. La perpleja amiga le asegura que, entonces, "existe una persona con un parecido asombroso" a ella, lo cual constataron cuando se citaron para conocerse.
Ahora, el abogado reclama al hospital Nuestra señora del Pino tres millones de euros por daños y perjuicios para la gemela separada de su familia biológica, por "el daño que se ha causado de carácter moral" y "porque ha afectado a la propia dignidad personal por la mala praxis de la Administración, que ha interferido en el desarrollo personal y familiar" de su clienta.
Nota de: MSN Argentina Noticias.
"Dos gemelas separadas al nacer se encuentran por azar a los 28."

Una de las gemelas, nacidas en 1973, fue entregada por error a otra familia cuando las sacaron de la incubadora del hospital. Al mismo tiempo, la pequeña de esa familia fue entregada a los padres de las gemelas, que se conocieron por casualidad en el año 2001, gracias a una amiga de una de ellas.
Según ha contado a la radio Cadena Ser el abogado de la gemela entregada a otra familia, Sebastián Socorro, la otra gemela fue a comprar ropa a un centro comercial donde trabajaba una amiga de la primera. Creyó que era ella y se acercó a saludarla, pero ésta se sorprendió y -lógicamente- dijo ser otra persona.
"La amiga llama a mi clienta y ésta le dice que ella no ha pasado por el centro comercial", explicó el abogado. La perpleja amiga le asegura que, entonces, "existe una persona con un parecido asombroso" a ella, lo cual constataron cuando se citaron para conocerse.
Ahora, el abogado reclama al hospital Nuestra señora del Pino tres millones de euros por daños y perjuicios para la gemela separada de su familia biológica, por "el daño que se ha causado de carácter moral" y "porque ha afectado a la propia dignidad personal por la mala praxis de la Administración, que ha interferido en el desarrollo personal y familiar" de su clienta.
Nota de: MSN Argentina Noticias.
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