"Fight It Out: Alternative Arts for MMA", a film series focusing on Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), has recently wrapped shooting in Greenland, NH. The series stars Guy Chase (of Guy Chase Martial Arts Academy) and Frederic Bellaton and is directed by Portsmouth-based Chase Bailey (producer of films such as The Libertine starring Johnny Depp and In Bloom with Uma Thurman).
For more about the film, read Ben Bulkeley's write-up in last Sunday's Portsmouth Herald.
"Sharp Dressed Men" Wins Top Prize at SNOB Film Festival
Posted by
6:04 AM
[Submitted by Ti Alan Chase at Laurelin Films.]
CONCORD, NH - At the closing ceremonies of the S.N.O.B. (Somewhat North of Boston) Film Festival in Concord earlier this month, festival judges awarded locally produced film Sharp Dressed Men with the prize for Best Feature Film.
Sharp Dressed Men is a comedy about three brothers trying desperately to pull themselves together (both physically and emotionally) on the morning of their parents' wedding.
The award-winning picture was produced by Laurelin Films, an independent film production company based in Portsmouth, NH. It was shot on digital video in Portsmouth and Barrington, NH in October 2005.
Ti Alan Chase, the film's producer and director, is a resident of Portsmouth.
Laurelin Films is currently in post-production on Stricken, it's first feature shot in high definition. Stricken, which was written and directed by Ti Alan Chase, is a gothic drama about the effects of various types of affliction. It is not a vampire movie.
Stricken was shot in Massachusetts and in Portsmouth, NH.
CONCORD, NH - At the closing ceremonies of the S.N.O.B. (Somewhat North of Boston) Film Festival in Concord earlier this month, festival judges awarded locally produced film Sharp Dressed Men with the prize for Best Feature Film.
Sharp Dressed Men is a comedy about three brothers trying desperately to pull themselves together (both physically and emotionally) on the morning of their parents' wedding.
The award-winning picture was produced by Laurelin Films, an independent film production company based in Portsmouth, NH. It was shot on digital video in Portsmouth and Barrington, NH in October 2005.
Ti Alan Chase, the film's producer and director, is a resident of Portsmouth.
Laurelin Films is currently in post-production on Stricken, it's first feature shot in high definition. Stricken, which was written and directed by Ti Alan Chase, is a gothic drama about the effects of various types of affliction. It is not a vampire movie.
Stricken was shot in Massachusetts and in Portsmouth, NH.
Indie Film Editorial in the Concord Monitor
Posted by
7:26 AM
Hi, everyone - just back from the Thanksgiving holiday (hope you had a nice one, too) and I'm catching up on posting things of interest that have crossed my desk over the weekend.
For starters, the Concord Monitor ran this nice editorial on Friday about the indie film scene here in New Hampshire, specifically mentioning New Hampshire-made films Including Samuel and The Sensation of Sight.
You can read the write-up here.
For starters, the Concord Monitor ran this nice editorial on Friday about the indie film scene here in New Hampshire, specifically mentioning New Hampshire-made films Including Samuel and The Sensation of Sight.
You can read the write-up here.
Posted by
8:42 AM
Hoy es?: 18.11.07 (actualizado el dia 6.10.08)
Primer nombre: Mery
Segundo nombre: Elle
Apodo: elen, elle, E, EM, M, melen, helen, elu, elena, elenaNO!, lenn, eli, oveja, granja, b.f, "S", enana, peque.
Edad: 16
Lugar de nacimiento: Argentina
Estado civil: soltera
Signo del zodíaco: capricornio
Color de ojos: marrones
Morocha, Pelirroja o rubia?: castaño
Estatura: 1.56
Número de calzado: 37-38-39 (depende)
Profesión: estudiante
Idiomas: spafrenglish
Amigas: nicky, van, vick, luz, melen, dani, eli, zai, luli (más)
Amigos: mau, diego, tano, maxi, alvi...
Un auto: new beatle o mini cooper, CAMIONETAS MEJOR(LL
Un animal: oveja
Un color: dorado, rosa.
Un libro: no me acuerdo el nombre
Un programa de TV: FASHIONISTAS
Un dibujo animado: los simpsons
Una película: big fish
Una actriz: angelina jolie
Un regalo: cartas con fotos
Una fruta: uvas
Tenés algún piercing o tatoo?: si, 1 (ombligo)
Un lugar de vacaciones: brasil
Un país: France
Una comida: milanesa de soja (rellena con tomate y queso) con ensalada (tomate, lechuga, cebolla, zanahoria y huevo duro picado)
Una bebida: agua (no me gustan las gasesoas, desde chiquita)
Un postre: helado; crema americana y vainilla.
El hombre más lindo: (hay varios)
Una revista: Vogue, OH! LALÁ, Elle.
Fuiste a algún recital?: sí, a 3 (EL MEJOR EL DE EMMA H.)
Un papelón: DEMASIADOS
Marca de perfume: tommy hilfiger
Tiempo libre: sacar fotos
Marca de cigarrillos: ninguna
Peor defecto de una persona: mentirosa
Mayor virtud de una persona: ser honesta sin importarle lo que digan los demas
Lo más lindo de la vida: la familia
El día más feliz: cuando consigo lo que quiero.
El día más triste: la muerte de mi abuelo
Un defecto propio: pesada
Una virtud propia: no parar hasta conseguir lo que deseo
Un recuerdo: muchos
Que te hace llorar: todo (llore hasta porque perdi un colectivo)
Que te hace reír: yo (hahhahajajjaja no mentira hmm..) muchas cosas(tengo risa fácil) (depende la persona)
Que no perdonarías nunca: que me traisionen.
La mejor palabra: concha.
La peor palabra: clitoris, CHABON, guacho
La mejor frase: todo en la vida por algo es; toda historia tiene un final, pero en la vida cada final es un nuevo comienzo.
Un miedo: morir
Un sueño cumplido: alguna vez haber estado con mi abuelo
Marca de ropa: christian lacroix
Hobbies: sacar fotos, counter strike
Un amor imposible: ASHTON KUTCHER
Un número: 4 / 6
Un letra: A
Un día: 6/1; viernes
Indecisa?: hmm vueltera
El mejor recuerdo: cuando nos reimos con nicky y no poder pedirle a la prof. de ir al baño porque me moria de risa
Sos feliz?: si
Cómo te sentís?: con sueño
Te duele algo?: si
Extrañas a alguien?: si
Cuantas veces te enamoraste?: Una
Te gusto algún amigo?: no
Tenes todo planeado?: no, solo sueños.
Los ojos de?: mi papá
Un regalo que hiciste hechos por ti?: mis souvenirs de 15
Alguien a quiénes les debes mucho: mis abuelos y mis padres.
Insulto que siempre tenes en la punta de la lengua: hijo de fruta, peloduro.
Ultima película que viste?: no me acuerdo
Seven up o Sprite?: ninguna
Pinky o Cerebro? : Pinky
Tom o Jerry?: Jerry
Tenes buen humor?: si, pero soy jodida, soy selectiva con quien ser simpatica
Te emborrachaste alguna vez?: no, solo alegre 3 veces.
Canción que te hace llorar: Brighter than sunshine - Aqualung
Los amigos son para siempre?: sólo los verdaderos
Hay alguien enamorado de vos?: no, lo dudo.
Sos muy criticón/a?: si
Sos romántico/a?: depende con quien
El dia o la noche?: día
Tenes paciencia?: no
Un deseo: no repetir más
Equipo de fútbol: boca
Época en la que te gustaría vivir: primavera
Un boliche: cult
Una frustración: cívica
Una meta corta: gym y aprobar las materias
Eres celosa?: si
Café o té? : coffee
Sábanas lisas o con animalitos?: lisas
Que cambiarías de tu vida?: color de mis ojos, mis piernas.
Que es lo que primero miras en un chico?: la cara y las zapatillas
Las tormentas te gustan o te asustan?: me asustan
Has mentido en algo?: si
Rubios o morochos?: rubios y castaños
Sos ordenado?: si, pero tengo mis semanas de despiole
Mar o montaña?: tierra
Crees en lo sobrenatural?: si
"The Stag Hunt" trailer and site now online!
Posted by
8:06 AM
[From our friend, Alfred Thomas Catalfo, the writer/director of the short films, "The Norman Rockwell Code" and "The Stag Hunt".]
"Hi Everyone,
We're happy to announce that THE STAG HUNT website and trailer are now online! A very special thanks to Steve Zirnkilton, the signature voice of NBC's Law & Order, for the trailer voiceover, and to The Minus Scale for the music. Our website is www.TheStagHuntMovie.com and contains a link to the trailer. We hope you enjoy it and would be very appreciative if you would forward this announcement to everyone you know.
Best wishes and many thanks,
Food Network Looking for Next "Food Star"
Posted by
7:19 AM
Food Network is looking for its next "Food Star" - an open casting call for chefs, professional cooks, caterers, foodies 'with personality.' Winner gets a 6-episode show. E-mail name, age, phone number, e-mail address, city, a brief summary of "why you want to be on the show," occupation (if not cooking professionally, explain how you continue to keep your passion for cooking alive), and your photo to: CastingNFNS4@yahoo.com.
SNOB Film Festival awards "Dribbles" Best New Hampshire Film
Posted by
6:08 AM
The full-length feature film, Dribbles was named Best New Hampshire Film at the 2007 Somewhat North of Boston (S.N.O.B.) Film Festival in Concord on Sunday.
Dribbles tells the story of a high school artist trying to prove himself to his runaway father by winning a championship basketball jacket. The film was shot entirely in New Hampshire, features a cast from around New England, and was produced under a special low budget agreement with the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Boston office. Since the project was officially completed six weeks ago, it has already been named an official selection at three film festivals.
The screening of Dribbles at this sixth annual S.N.O.B. event drew an audible emotional response from the packed auditorium in the Red River Theatres – the new independent cinema complex recently opened in downtown Concord. A lively question and answer session featuring filmmakers Thomas and Heidi Tosi, star Joe Orrigo, and crew members and David Hjelm and Bruce Simonds, followed the screening. Viewers spoke of being moved by the themes, performances, and art of the film. Orrigo, currently preparing for a new play in Boston, continued conversations with appreciative movie-goers in the theater lobby well after the screening.
With a tradition of bringing an eclectic mix of films to the area, the S.N.O.B. Film Festival is also known for affording audiences the chance to interact with those who make many of the films which are screened. The festival this year included 70 films in a variety of genres: experimental, animation, documentary, feature length, student films and horror/science-fiction.
More information about Dribbles may be found at the official movie web site, www.dribblesmovie.com.
Dribbles tells the story of a high school artist trying to prove himself to his runaway father by winning a championship basketball jacket. The film was shot entirely in New Hampshire, features a cast from around New England, and was produced under a special low budget agreement with the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Boston office. Since the project was officially completed six weeks ago, it has already been named an official selection at three film festivals.
The screening of Dribbles at this sixth annual S.N.O.B. event drew an audible emotional response from the packed auditorium in the Red River Theatres – the new independent cinema complex recently opened in downtown Concord. A lively question and answer session featuring filmmakers Thomas and Heidi Tosi, star Joe Orrigo, and crew members and David Hjelm and Bruce Simonds, followed the screening. Viewers spoke of being moved by the themes, performances, and art of the film. Orrigo, currently preparing for a new play in Boston, continued conversations with appreciative movie-goers in the theater lobby well after the screening.
With a tradition of bringing an eclectic mix of films to the area, the S.N.O.B. Film Festival is also known for affording audiences the chance to interact with those who make many of the films which are screened. The festival this year included 70 films in a variety of genres: experimental, animation, documentary, feature length, student films and horror/science-fiction.
More information about Dribbles may be found at the official movie web site, www.dribblesmovie.com.
Variety: "Sensation of Sight" 4th for Weekend for Average Gross Per Engagement
Posted by
5:53 AM
The Sensation of Sight, an independent feature film produced by the New Hampshire-based production company Either/Or Films, opened to a sold-out crowd at the 900-seat Colonial Theatre in Keene, NH, on November 9th. The opening weekend box office gross for the film ranked fourth highest in the nation in average gross per theatre according to Variety, the film industry’s leading trade newspaper.
While most of the 113 films currently in release in the U.S. had higher overall grosses and many played in hundreds of theatres, The Sensation of Sight’s average edged out Universal’s blockbuster American Gangster, Paramount’s Bee Movie, and Warner Brothers' Fred Claus, following behind only No Country For Old Men, Holly, and Om Santi Om.
The Sensation of Sight opens November 16th at the Peterborough Community Theatre in Peterborough, and on November 30 at the Red River Theatres in Concord. According to the film’s executive producer, Buzz McLaughlin, after the film’s debut run in New Hampshire and a screening at the Santa Fe Film Festival, the film will head out to art houses in major cities across the U.S. Next month it will be featured abroad at the International Philosophy Film Festival in Krakow, Poland, and at the Tallin Black Nights Film Festival in Estonia.
Shot entirely in Peterborough, NH, in 2005, the film stars 2006 Academy Award Best Actor nominee David Strathairn (Good Night, and Good Luck, The Bourne Ultimatum), who portrays an English teacher named Finn as he enters a midlife crisis impelled by a tragedy for which he counts himself responsible. In addition to Strathairn, the film also features performances by actors Ian Somerhalder (“Boone” on the TV series Lost), Ann Cusack (Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil), Scott Wilson (Junebug, Monster, In Cold Blood), Jane Adams (Little Children, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind), Daniel Gillies (Captivity, Spider-Man 2), Joe Mazello (Jurassic Park), and Elisabeth Waterston (The Prince and Me).
For more information, contact Kris McLaughlin at 973-476-0072 or at krismclaughlin@mindspring.com.
While most of the 113 films currently in release in the U.S. had higher overall grosses and many played in hundreds of theatres, The Sensation of Sight’s average edged out Universal’s blockbuster American Gangster, Paramount’s Bee Movie, and Warner Brothers' Fred Claus, following behind only No Country For Old Men, Holly, and Om Santi Om.
The Sensation of Sight opens November 16th at the Peterborough Community Theatre in Peterborough, and on November 30 at the Red River Theatres in Concord. According to the film’s executive producer, Buzz McLaughlin, after the film’s debut run in New Hampshire and a screening at the Santa Fe Film Festival, the film will head out to art houses in major cities across the U.S. Next month it will be featured abroad at the International Philosophy Film Festival in Krakow, Poland, and at the Tallin Black Nights Film Festival in Estonia.
Shot entirely in Peterborough, NH, in 2005, the film stars 2006 Academy Award Best Actor nominee David Strathairn (Good Night, and Good Luck, The Bourne Ultimatum), who portrays an English teacher named Finn as he enters a midlife crisis impelled by a tragedy for which he counts himself responsible. In addition to Strathairn, the film also features performances by actors Ian Somerhalder (“Boone” on the TV series Lost), Ann Cusack (Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil), Scott Wilson (Junebug, Monster, In Cold Blood), Jane Adams (Little Children, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind), Daniel Gillies (Captivity, Spider-Man 2), Joe Mazello (Jurassic Park), and Elisabeth Waterston (The Prince and Me).
For more information, contact Kris McLaughlin at 973-476-0072 or at krismclaughlin@mindspring.com.
Call For Entries: Cyberbullying Public Service Announcement
Posted by
10:55 AM

[Another interesting opportunity that crossed my desk this morning...]
Call for Entries
Cyberbullying is a growing problem among children and teenagers on the Internet. The anonymity and ease of communication the Internet provides can create a vehicle for bullying, harassment and defamation, making the Internet a hostile and dangerous place. Cyberbullying is a problem that you, as a filmmaker, can help address and solve.
Help end cyberbullying by creating a Public Service Announcement on the issue. Sony Creative Software, the National Crime Prevention Council and the Ad Council are seeking entries from independent producers and academic institutions (K - 12). The top submissions may be eligible for national broadcast, and their producer or sponsoring academic institution will receive a complete multimedia editing suite for their facility or school valued at over $18,000. Prize sponsors include Sony Creative Software, Sony Electronics, and Sony VAIO.
Judges to include: Barry Sonnenfeld, director/producer (Men in Black, Addams Family, and others); Steve Oedekerk, producer/writer (Bruce Almighty, Barnyard, and others); Justin W. Patchin, Ph.D., noted authority on social networking and cyberbullying; and members of the Ad Council's Campaign Review Committee.
The call for entries period opened September 11, 2007, and closes January 11, 2008. All entries must be received by January 11, 2008 to be eligible.
For more information, click here.
"Sensation of Sight" to have theatrical premiere
Posted by
5:39 AM
Here's a write-up by Jake Berry at the Keene Sentinel about this evening's theatrical premiere of The Sensation of Sight to be held at the Colonial Theatre in Keene, NH.
To read the story, click here.
To read the story, click here.
SNOB Film Festival: November 9-11, 2007
Posted by
6:09 AM
[From our friends at the SNOB (Somewhat North of Boston) Film Festival.]
CONCORD: The SNOB (Somewhat North of Boston) Film Festival is back and better than ever, celebrating its sixth year with 3 days of independent film, discussions with filmmakers, a movie-making challenge and much, much more, all taking place in Concord, New Hampshire. Join SNOB as it celebrates the spirit of filmmaking with international, national, regional and local films of distinction from Friday, November 9 through Sunday November 11th (Veterans Day weekend).
Opening night of the festival will feature the world premiere screening of Sharp Dressed Men, directed by Ti Alan Chase and shot in Portsmouth, NH. Thirty years ago, Bill and Lorraine met, fell in love and didn’t get married. Now they have four children, a son-in-law and an ex-daughter-in-law, and they are finally ready to tie the knot. This is the story of their wedding day. For more information, visit http://laurelinslight.blogspot.com/2007/10/sharp-dressed-men-5-minute-preview.html.
Also screening Friday night is Abel Raises Cain – a documentary about Alan Abel, infamous underground media prankster. In this loving portrait of an eccentric father, Alan's daughter, Jenny, tells her firsthand account of what it was like growing up with a prankster. Abel Raises Cain takes the audience on a roller coaster ride through the myriad of elaborate hoaxes and schemes that Abel pulled off over the years, all of which were designed to provoke and amuse...while at the same time, make people question everything that they see, hear and read. Alan Abel will be at SNOB all weekend - don’t miss your chance to see the original Borat! For more info visit http://www.abelraisescain.com/home2.htm
On Saturday at 6:15 p.m. at Red River Theatres, don’t miss High & Outside, the documentary biography of Bill “Spaceman" Lee, legendary pitcher for the Red Sox from 1969 through 1978. In the 1970s, Lee, a.k.a."The Ace from Space," became a folk hero to the Fenway faithful. He lived in a world like no other; where competitive fire, Tibetan Buddhism, slapstick comedy, and counter-cultural medication lived together in relative harmony. He baffled opposing hitters and management alike with a variety of pitches and verbal aerobatics. As a pioneer in the baseball labor movement, he bean-balled corporate duplicity and worked to end the era of indentured servitude in baseball. Was he blackballed from the game as a result? You bet he was! Director Peter Vogt brings the legend down to earth and finds a legendary human being in "Spaceman", whose carryover wisdom from the 60s still rings true today.
This year SNOB has separated the student films into a block at New Hampshire Technical Institute in Concord (NHTI) on Saturday morning. Felicia Menard, who is coordinating the SNOB Student Film Focus said, “SNOB is all about grassroots and community art, and on Saturday, we not only encourage the arts, but support student filmmakers as they express their creative vision. Alternately witty, sensitive, brilliant, and always genuinely creative, the student film showcase at NHTI delivers a powerful, heartfelt, and unique movie viewing experience.”
“Every year, we have been able to bring some new aspect to SNOB and Concord and this year, one of the most exciting things is partnering with Green Concord. Green Concord, which is made up of over 10 stores and organizations in downtown Concord, has partnered with SNOB to provide and ‘man’ recycling stations at all the SNOB venues as well as provide information to the public about how they can become more green. I hope this is a part of SNOB that continues every year from now on,” said Michael Eschenbach, Co-Chair of this year’s SNOB Film Festival Committee.
Returning for a second appearance at SNOB is the filmmaker challenge, designed to inspire and encourage people to make films. – The 451° Filmmaker Challenge. For this event, SNOB is partnering with The Center for the Book at the New Hampshire State Library’s Big Read: NH Reads Fahrenheit 451.
This year’s filmmakers will be challenged to create a film, no more than 4 minutes in length that is based upon any of the themes, concepts or ideas in Fahrenheit 451. There is no experience necessary and those who have never picked up a camera but always wanted to are encouraged to give it a whirl. Participants will have 5 days to create a film, which must be submitted on DVD to The NH State Library at 20 Park Street in Concord by 5 p.m. on November 8th. The films will be screened on Saturday night at RRT. Everyone who enters a film in the 451° Filmmaker Challenge will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a $250 gift certificate from S & W Sports in Concord.
“The diversity of films this year is pretty impressive,” said Kristen Vermilyea Harbaugh, Co-Chair of this year’s festival. “When we were screening the submissions, we did everything from laugh and cry to look at one another in confusion and debate on behalf of films that moved us in some way. And not all of us reacted the same way at the same time. That is what is so amazing about the power of film. I think we’ve successfully created such a program for SNOB 2007 and hope that our loyal audience will feel the same.”
Tickets are $5 for each film block, $25 for a day pass (Saturday and Sunday only) and just $50 for a full festival pass, which entitles you to all events and films during the festival. Festival pass holders receive an authentic, handmade SNOB Festival bead bracelet crafted by local artisans from the Sudan. Passes are now on sale at Red River Theatres box office and at their website: http://www.redrivertheatres.org/snob.php. Individual tickets will also be available at RRT the week of the festival. Student Film Focus tickets will be available at NHTI at the door.
For much more information about venues, tickets, film schedule and program with links to films’ sites, visit www.snobfilmfestival.org.
The Somewhat North of Boston (S.N.O.B.) Film Festival is a joint project of Red River Theatres, Inc., a registered 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization, and the New Hampshire Technical Institute.
CONCORD: The SNOB (Somewhat North of Boston) Film Festival is back and better than ever, celebrating its sixth year with 3 days of independent film, discussions with filmmakers, a movie-making challenge and much, much more, all taking place in Concord, New Hampshire. Join SNOB as it celebrates the spirit of filmmaking with international, national, regional and local films of distinction from Friday, November 9 through Sunday November 11th (Veterans Day weekend).
Opening night of the festival will feature the world premiere screening of Sharp Dressed Men, directed by Ti Alan Chase and shot in Portsmouth, NH. Thirty years ago, Bill and Lorraine met, fell in love and didn’t get married. Now they have four children, a son-in-law and an ex-daughter-in-law, and they are finally ready to tie the knot. This is the story of their wedding day. For more information, visit http://laurelinslight.blogspot.com/2007/10/sharp-dressed-men-5-minute-preview.html.
Also screening Friday night is Abel Raises Cain – a documentary about Alan Abel, infamous underground media prankster. In this loving portrait of an eccentric father, Alan's daughter, Jenny, tells her firsthand account of what it was like growing up with a prankster. Abel Raises Cain takes the audience on a roller coaster ride through the myriad of elaborate hoaxes and schemes that Abel pulled off over the years, all of which were designed to provoke and amuse...while at the same time, make people question everything that they see, hear and read. Alan Abel will be at SNOB all weekend - don’t miss your chance to see the original Borat! For more info visit http://www.abelraisescain.com/home2.htm
On Saturday at 6:15 p.m. at Red River Theatres, don’t miss High & Outside, the documentary biography of Bill “Spaceman" Lee, legendary pitcher for the Red Sox from 1969 through 1978. In the 1970s, Lee, a.k.a."The Ace from Space," became a folk hero to the Fenway faithful. He lived in a world like no other; where competitive fire, Tibetan Buddhism, slapstick comedy, and counter-cultural medication lived together in relative harmony. He baffled opposing hitters and management alike with a variety of pitches and verbal aerobatics. As a pioneer in the baseball labor movement, he bean-balled corporate duplicity and worked to end the era of indentured servitude in baseball. Was he blackballed from the game as a result? You bet he was! Director Peter Vogt brings the legend down to earth and finds a legendary human being in "Spaceman", whose carryover wisdom from the 60s still rings true today.
This year SNOB has separated the student films into a block at New Hampshire Technical Institute in Concord (NHTI) on Saturday morning. Felicia Menard, who is coordinating the SNOB Student Film Focus said, “SNOB is all about grassroots and community art, and on Saturday, we not only encourage the arts, but support student filmmakers as they express their creative vision. Alternately witty, sensitive, brilliant, and always genuinely creative, the student film showcase at NHTI delivers a powerful, heartfelt, and unique movie viewing experience.”
“Every year, we have been able to bring some new aspect to SNOB and Concord and this year, one of the most exciting things is partnering with Green Concord. Green Concord, which is made up of over 10 stores and organizations in downtown Concord, has partnered with SNOB to provide and ‘man’ recycling stations at all the SNOB venues as well as provide information to the public about how they can become more green. I hope this is a part of SNOB that continues every year from now on,” said Michael Eschenbach, Co-Chair of this year’s SNOB Film Festival Committee.
Returning for a second appearance at SNOB is the filmmaker challenge, designed to inspire and encourage people to make films. – The 451° Filmmaker Challenge. For this event, SNOB is partnering with The Center for the Book at the New Hampshire State Library’s Big Read: NH Reads Fahrenheit 451.
This year’s filmmakers will be challenged to create a film, no more than 4 minutes in length that is based upon any of the themes, concepts or ideas in Fahrenheit 451. There is no experience necessary and those who have never picked up a camera but always wanted to are encouraged to give it a whirl. Participants will have 5 days to create a film, which must be submitted on DVD to The NH State Library at 20 Park Street in Concord by 5 p.m. on November 8th. The films will be screened on Saturday night at RRT. Everyone who enters a film in the 451° Filmmaker Challenge will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a $250 gift certificate from S & W Sports in Concord.
“The diversity of films this year is pretty impressive,” said Kristen Vermilyea Harbaugh, Co-Chair of this year’s festival. “When we were screening the submissions, we did everything from laugh and cry to look at one another in confusion and debate on behalf of films that moved us in some way. And not all of us reacted the same way at the same time. That is what is so amazing about the power of film. I think we’ve successfully created such a program for SNOB 2007 and hope that our loyal audience will feel the same.”
Tickets are $5 for each film block, $25 for a day pass (Saturday and Sunday only) and just $50 for a full festival pass, which entitles you to all events and films during the festival. Festival pass holders receive an authentic, handmade SNOB Festival bead bracelet crafted by local artisans from the Sudan. Passes are now on sale at Red River Theatres box office and at their website: http://www.redrivertheatres.org/snob.php. Individual tickets will also be available at RRT the week of the festival. Student Film Focus tickets will be available at NHTI at the door.
For much more information about venues, tickets, film schedule and program with links to films’ sites, visit www.snobfilmfestival.org.
The Somewhat North of Boston (S.N.O.B.) Film Festival is a joint project of Red River Theatres, Inc., a registered 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization, and the New Hampshire Technical Institute.
New Hampshire's own appearing on TV
Posted by
5:26 AM
I was looking through the papers this morning when I found two stories, one in the Union Leader and one in the Concord Monitor, about New Hampshire actors who are working their way onto the TV screen. It's always great to hear about these success stories. I thought I'd share.
Read about Manchester's Andy Comeau, who appears on the show "House" on FOX, in John Clayton's article in the Union Leader.
Ray Duckler from the Concord Monitor writes about Concord High School senior Nicholas Purcell, who recently made an appearance on "Law & Order: Criminal Intent".
Read about Manchester's Andy Comeau, who appears on the show "House" on FOX, in John Clayton's article in the Union Leader.
Ray Duckler from the Concord Monitor writes about Concord High School senior Nicholas Purcell, who recently made an appearance on "Law & Order: Criminal Intent".
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