Por mas que quiera sacar tu ancla no puedo
me pesa, pesa mas que mi cuerpo,
es como una mochila con piedras, que
no la quiero llevar mas pero entonces no se
porque no me la saco de una maldita vez!
Será que me gusta sufrir? y si no es asi
entonces por qué?
Te amo, como a nadie lo pude apreciar de esta
forma, te respeto tanto te tengo tan en mi
que estoy harta que sigas aquí.
Quiero, deseo que te vayas ya! No quiero
sufrir mas, no tenerte me hace mal, y cuando
nos tenemos más.
Basta por favor sufrir no quiero, me canse no doy mas.
Quiero gritarle lo mucho que lo amo y no puedo.
Quiero que estemos juntos y no podemos.
Porque si bien nos enamoramos juntos no rendimos.
Nos falta caminar, y cuánto!
Ay dios cómo se puede llegar a amar tanto a una persona
a tan corta edad, cómo pude enamorarme de alguien que
no debería, Por qué lastima tanto al corazón sentir ese amor?
No tenerlo me hace mal, y tenerlo aún más.
Cómo hago para borrarlo de mis recuerdos, y aún peor de mi corazón.
No quiero sentir mas nada ya por él.
Se que Roma no se construyo en un día y alguien que amas no se
lo puede olvidar de la noche para la mañana, pero es tan
feo sentirme así que quisiera arrancármelo de mi porque me hiere.
Tengo su nombre, su amor, sus recuerdos, los momentos
anclados en mi corazón.
Posted by
11:40 AM
Subo este artículo ya que nunca esta demás estar informado y princilpalmente cuando se trata de aquellas que afecten nuestra salud, ya que la mitad de la población en el mundo tiene celular.
Me pareció algo sumamente importante para divulgar, aunque aun no sea 100% seguro. La prevensión es una muy buena amiga, es lo que creo.

Un panel internacional de cancerólogos advirtió este jueves sobre un posible daño de los teléfonos celulares para la salud, especialmente en los niños, y recomendó adoptar medidas de precaución.
Encabezado por el profesor Ronald Herberman de la Universidad de Pittsburg, el panel incluye principalmente cancerólogos de Estados Unidos y Francia que no se pronuncian definitivamente sobre el tema pero recomiendan ser prudentes.
"Los campos electromagnéticos generados por los teléfonos celulares deberían ser considerados como un riesgo potencial para la salud", advierten los expertos, en un mensaje publicado por esa universidad de Pensilvania (este).
"No ha pasado suficiente tiempo para tener datos concluyentes sobre los efectos biológicos de los teléfonos celulares y otros teléfonos inalámbricos que hoy en día son universales", indica el memorando.
Entre las medidas recomendadas figuran no dejar que los niños usen celulares salvo en casos de emergencia y mantener los aparatos lo más lejos posible del cuerpo.
Según los expertos, "existen pruebas cada vez más importantes de que debería reducirse la exposición mientras continúan las investigaciones sobre este tema". Otros expertos opinaron lo contrario y aseguran que no hay riesgo.
Advierten que "los niños chicos son más vulnerables a los campos electromagnéticos a causa del tamaño más chico de su cerebro y de sus tejidos cerebrales más blandos".
Los médicos opinan que la industria de la telefonía debería "asumir responsabilidades". "Es responsabilidad de ellos suministrar equipos con el menor riesgo posible y hacer evolucionar la tecnología en ese sentido".
"No necesitamos prohibir esa tecnología, sino adaptarla y ponerla bajo control, para que nunca se convierta en una causa de enfermedades", concluyen los médicos.
photo: google
By MSN noticias Argentina
Encabezado por el profesor Ronald Herberman de la Universidad de Pittsburg, el panel incluye principalmente cancerólogos de Estados Unidos y Francia que no se pronuncian definitivamente sobre el tema pero recomiendan ser prudentes.
"Los campos electromagnéticos generados por los teléfonos celulares deberían ser considerados como un riesgo potencial para la salud", advierten los expertos, en un mensaje publicado por esa universidad de Pensilvania (este).
"No ha pasado suficiente tiempo para tener datos concluyentes sobre los efectos biológicos de los teléfonos celulares y otros teléfonos inalámbricos que hoy en día son universales", indica el memorando.
Entre las medidas recomendadas figuran no dejar que los niños usen celulares salvo en casos de emergencia y mantener los aparatos lo más lejos posible del cuerpo.
Según los expertos, "existen pruebas cada vez más importantes de que debería reducirse la exposición mientras continúan las investigaciones sobre este tema". Otros expertos opinaron lo contrario y aseguran que no hay riesgo.
Advierten que "los niños chicos son más vulnerables a los campos electromagnéticos a causa del tamaño más chico de su cerebro y de sus tejidos cerebrales más blandos".
Los médicos opinan que la industria de la telefonía debería "asumir responsabilidades". "Es responsabilidad de ellos suministrar equipos con el menor riesgo posible y hacer evolucionar la tecnología en ese sentido".
"No necesitamos prohibir esa tecnología, sino adaptarla y ponerla bajo control, para que nunca se convierta en una causa de enfermedades", concluyen los médicos.
photo: google
By MSN noticias Argentina
Posted by
3:08 PM

Amigos: GRACIAS!
Quiero agregar en el collage a todos aquellos que alguna vez cuando me sentia triste estuvieron ahí, dandome su hombro, con los que tuve una amistad y con los que no, pero sin embargo jamas me faltaron como lo hace un amigo. Gracias: Alvi, Tami, Rodri, Flor R., Fe, Mica P., Toto, Sol Acuña, Erik, Caro G., Yami, Caro R., Mica M., Juan L., Mati P., Eve C., Bicho, Viq, Normi, Omar, Andre P. y a muchos más!"Un amigo es uno mismo pero con otra piel" Atahualpa Yupanqui.
7 Things - PARTE I
Posted by
12:08 PM
Es increible como este tema me hace poner la piel de gallina...
Un día:
(Viene "K")
- Ay B.F! No sabes ay un tema re lindo de Miley Cyrus que habla de [...] y se la dedica al de los Jonas.
- Si?
- SI mira escucha
(saca el ipod, busca el tema, PLAY)
- Hmm hace mucho bochinche...
(K me habla)
- Mira el video
- Es re lindo el video!
- Viste, amo el video es muy cierto, lindo y tierno. (Risas) entendes lo que dice la letra?
Es perfecta para vos. Buscala y traducila.
- Qué cosa? La canción? Ah si, viste es re vos...
- Y es Miley Cyrus, jamas te gustaron sus canciones.
(Risas) Que loco. Viste "E" yo tenia razon (Risas). Me encanta cuando la chica llora (Risas).
- Mal, pero te gusta la canción?
- Viste! Qué te dije?
Así es como conocí la canción....
Un día:
(Viene "K")
- Ay B.F! No sabes ay un tema re lindo de Miley Cyrus que habla de [...] y se la dedica al de los Jonas.
- Si?
- SI mira escucha
(saca el ipod, busca el tema, PLAY)
- Hmm hace mucho bochinche...
(K me habla)
- Mira el video
- Es re lindo el video!
- Viste, amo el video es muy cierto, lindo y tierno. (Risas) entendes lo que dice la letra?
Es perfecta para vos. Buscala y traducila.
- Qué cosa? La canción? Ah si, viste es re vos...
- Y es Miley Cyrus, jamas te gustaron sus canciones.
(Risas) Que loco. Viste "E" yo tenia razon (Risas). Me encanta cuando la chica llora (Risas).
- Mal, pero te gusta la canción?
- Viste! Qué te dije?
Así es como conocí la canción....
Silent Western "Nevada" to be screened free on Sunday, July 27
Posted by
6:57 AM

Nevada (1927) a silent Western that helped launch the career of a young Gary Cooper, will be screened on Sunday, July 27 at 4:30 p.m. at the Wilton Town Hall Theatre on Main Street in Wilton, N.H. Story of a drifter in the old West who tries to make good on a rich man's cattle ranch, but the love of a woman leads him to run with a band of cattle-rustling outlaws before he saves the day. Program includes Western-themed silent short subjects prior to main feature. Films to be shown with new original scores performed live by local composer and musician Jeff Rapsis. Free admission, donations encouraged; program is fund-raiser for Mirthquake, New England's largest vintage film festival, set for Oct. 23-26, 2008 in Manchester, N.H. For more info on 'Nevada,' visit www.wiltontownhalltheatre.com
For more info, contact:
Jeff Rapsis - (603) 236-9237 - jrapsis@gmail.com
Looking for 1982 "Flags Over Portsmouth" participants
Posted by
7:43 AM

In June 1982, an NHK production crew from Japan visited New Hampshire to film the 6-hour mini-series "Flags Over Portsmouth." The Portsmouth Peace Treaty Forum (www.portsmouthpeacetreaty.com) is seeking those who participated in the production as actors, extras, production assistants, drivers, caterers -- everyone who played a part. "We've been in touch with the Nevers Band of Concord, who re-enacted the 1905 welcoming parade, a Film Office production coordinator, Rev. Gordon Allen whose parishioners at St. John's in Portsmouth created a pivotal scene when the Japanese diplomats attended a church service, and Sam Jarvis whose Metro Restaurant stood in for a London club," said Forum founder Chuck Doleac. "But we're trying to identify as many people who took part as we can, to capture the story of the filming 26 years ago." The Portsmouth Peace Treaty Forum has posted information about "Flags Over Portsmouth" on its website, along with a link to some screen captures from the film on Flickr.com. Contact: Chuck Doleac (cdoleac@nhlawfirm.com, 603-436-4010) or Stephanie Seacord (sseacord@lemd.com, 603-772-1835)
Image attached: New Hampshire Governor Hugh Gallen plays New Hampshire Governor John McLane in a scene a Wentworth By the Sea from the NHK film, :Flags Over Portsmouth, filmed in New Hampshire in 1982.
"The Sensation of Sight" to hit theaters/DVD this fall
Posted by
7:34 AM

Greetings from Buzz McLaughlin and Aaron Wiederspahn!
As partners in Either/Or Films, we are proud to announce the national theatrical release of our first independent film THE SENSATION OF SIGHT by Monterey Media, who will be launching the film in theatres around the country later this summer.
Beginning the release, THE SENSATION OF SIGHT will return to New Hampshire, where it was filmed and where it premiered theatrically last November to a sold-out, 900-seat theatre in Keene, the Colonial. That night, over 300 people were turned away, prompting attention by Monterey Media and the desire for a return engagement.
From July 18 through July 31 THE SENSATION OF SIGHT will be screened at the Putnam Theatre in Keene State College's Redfern Arts Center (603-358-2160--www.keene.edu/putnam/films.cfm. For directions and a map, see www.keene.edu and click on "About KSC"). The Redfern Arts Center is located on Brickyard Pond, which can be accessed via Wyman Way off 229 Main Street.
Screening times: July 18-24 at 7 p.m. with an added matinee at 2 p.m. on July 20, and July 25-31 at 9 p.m. Both of us will be available for a Q & A after the 7 p.m. screening on Friday, July 18. Aaron wrote and directed THE SENSATION OF SIGHT and Buzz is the executive producer. Other producers include Mark Constance, David Strathairn, Madeline Ryan, and Darren Moorman.
Starring Academy Award nominee David Strathairn, THE SENSATION OF SIGHT follows Finn, an English teacher turned encyclopedia salesman, as he deals with tragedy and mid-life crisis. After leaving his family and career in search of answers to the age-old question "Why?", sales and encounters are made that lead Finn ultimately to an unexpected and sublime awakening.
Spout.com calls THE SENSATION OF SIGHT "a very beautiful film...informed by a transcendent sensibility," and Angelfire.com writes: "The Sensation of Sight is an independent film with a huge heart, a real gem in cinema rarely found today." (See below, on the poster, for more comments about the film; under the poster you can click to see the trailer, and if you'd like to check out our website, click on our logo at the top of this email.)
During its international festival run, the film also received accolades from audiences in Spain, Brazil, China, Lithuania, Poland, and Estonia, as well as around the U.S. It won Best Feature at the New Hampshire Film Festival and Best Cinematography at the Durban International Film Festival in South Africa.
Monterey Media plans a DVD release after the film's theatrical run. Online pre-orders are already available at such sites as Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
We'll keep you updated on the theatres around the country where THE SENSATION OF SIGHT will be playing.
And PLEASE HELP US by forwarding this email to all your friends, especially if they live near one of the theatres where SENSATION will be playing. If you enjoy thoughtful, independent "art" films--as distinguished from huge Hollywood studio blockbusters--we need your support!
New Hampshire actor getting plenty of exposure
Posted by
6:53 AM

Nicholas Purcell of Concord, New Hampshire, is a teenager with an acting resume many dream of!
After returning from New York in June from the filming of New York, I Love You with Russian director Andrei Zvyagintsev, Nicholas was cast for another principal role as Pulaski in Disney/Touchstone Studios' The Surrogates starring Bruce Willis. The film is directed by Jonathan Mostow (Terminator 3, U-571, Breakdown). New York, I Love You will be released in February 2009, while The Surrogates will hit theaters in November 2009.
Nicholas also booked a guest starring role on Law & Order: Criminal Intent and worked along side Chris Noth and Alicia Witt, in addition to landing the recurring role of Ty on the daytime soap opera As the World Turns.
This past February he traveled to Vancouver to shoot the lead in a pilot The Troop for Nickelodeon. We truly believe this is only the beginning of Nick's journey and that the New Hampshire film community will be seeing much more of him on the big screen!
Nicholas is managed by Bethany Constance of a713production and co-managed by Kathleen Longsderff of New England Models Group.
He is represented by CESD in NY and LA.
Back Lot Films announces re-issue of "Old Man Dogs"
Posted by
6:48 AM
[Received this press release from our friends at Back Lot Films.]
Critically-acclaimed 1997 film, shot in New Hampshire, to be re-issued this fall on DVD as well as have limited theatrical run.
MANCHESTER, N.H. – Back Lot Films, a New Hampshire-based film & video production company, has announced that its first feature-length film, Old Man Dogs, will be re-issued this fall, both on DVD as well as in a limited theatrical run in local theaters. “For this re-issue we are using a digital transfer direct from the original 16mm film negative,” explains Bill Millios, President of Back Lot Films, Inc. “We’re also re-mixing the sound straight from the original magstock reels - there’s still a great deal of work to do but so far it’s been very gratifying to see the film look as it good as it does.”
An atmospheric tale about the spirits of the dead trapped by the feelings of the living, Old Man Dogs starred Bill McNally, Julia Radochia and Don LaBranche and was written and directed by Bill Millios. The film debuted on May 6, 1997 before a sold-out crowd at the Coolidge Corner Theatre in Brookline, MA and followed with screenings at numerous film festivals (including the Independent Feature Film Market in New York City) as well as four night runs in Concord, Keene and Durham, NH. Critical praise came in all directions. Variety, the national film weekly, wrote "Old Man Dogs is a heartfelt showcase of raw talent with something to say - makes masterful use of the New Hampshire outdoor locations. Director Bill Millios deftly handles emotional scenes. As a calling card for the New Hampshire film community, Old Man Dogs does the job." The Boston Globe said that "Old Man Dogs is full of moody subtleties which may make the big-budget commercial-film connoisseur uneasy. Audiences will walk away saying that they never have seen anything like this produced on Granite State soil." And America Online followed with "Old Man Dogs is a treat it is to stumble upon - something completely different - the plot is used as a base for the film to ruminate on life, love, fate, and the need to mourn. Not an easy sell when it comes to independent filmmaking."
Features on the re-issued DVD will include the following:
Critically-acclaimed 1997 film, shot in New Hampshire, to be re-issued this fall on DVD as well as have limited theatrical run.
MANCHESTER, N.H. – Back Lot Films, a New Hampshire-based film & video production company, has announced that its first feature-length film, Old Man Dogs, will be re-issued this fall, both on DVD as well as in a limited theatrical run in local theaters. “For this re-issue we are using a digital transfer direct from the original 16mm film negative,” explains Bill Millios, President of Back Lot Films, Inc. “We’re also re-mixing the sound straight from the original magstock reels - there’s still a great deal of work to do but so far it’s been very gratifying to see the film look as it good as it does.”
An atmospheric tale about the spirits of the dead trapped by the feelings of the living, Old Man Dogs starred Bill McNally, Julia Radochia and Don LaBranche and was written and directed by Bill Millios. The film debuted on May 6, 1997 before a sold-out crowd at the Coolidge Corner Theatre in Brookline, MA and followed with screenings at numerous film festivals (including the Independent Feature Film Market in New York City) as well as four night runs in Concord, Keene and Durham, NH. Critical praise came in all directions. Variety, the national film weekly, wrote "Old Man Dogs is a heartfelt showcase of raw talent with something to say - makes masterful use of the New Hampshire outdoor locations. Director Bill Millios deftly handles emotional scenes. As a calling card for the New Hampshire film community, Old Man Dogs does the job." The Boston Globe said that "Old Man Dogs is full of moody subtleties which may make the big-budget commercial-film connoisseur uneasy. Audiences will walk away saying that they never have seen anything like this produced on Granite State soil." And America Online followed with "Old Man Dogs is a treat it is to stumble upon - something completely different - the plot is used as a base for the film to ruminate on life, love, fate, and the need to mourn. Not an easy sell when it comes to independent filmmaking."
Features on the re-issued DVD will include the following:
- Old Man Dogs (1997, 88 min., featuring a new transfer direct from 16mm negative & re-mixed audio)
- Audio Commentary Track
- Looking Back at Old Man Dogs Documentary
- Restoring Old Man Dogs Documentary
- Original Trailer
- Bottled Words (16mm short film by Bill Millios, 1995, 15 minutes)
F.C luli
Posted by
3:56 PM

Ay honey hoy cumplis 16 añitos (ya nos alcanzaste a mau y a mi) (risas).
Esta foto que tene a la derecha del texto es una de las primeras fotos de cuando empezo nuestra amistad y cuando nos empezamos a conocer cada dia un poquito mas (al igual que con mau). Desde ese día en el unicenter después del cole en marzo del 2007 se fue formando nuestra piramide (relación) poniendo ladrillito a la drillito
(ambas) , (juntas). Nuestra
confianza mutua cada vez aún
mas fuerte nena.
Esta otra creo que fue nuestro primer 15 juntas el de Petu, (en la foto mau vicky, yo, yani y vos). Que bien que lo pasamos

Eramos tan unidas, tus 15 re lindos y vos hermosa!
Mon dieu! esta foto NI flogger eramos (foto:octubre del 2007; Peru Beach), bueno pero por ese entonces estaba de moda, ya no. Nosotros 3 siempre imponiendo.
Luli, me acuerdo cuando siempre te pasaba a buscar para ir a handball que nos tocaba juntas era lo más.

Ay amiga extraño tantas cosa

El sábado en KU la rompemos!
Te amo friend, sos mucho y lo sabes. Voy a estar siempre aunque no seamos culo y calzon como antes siempre sabemos que nos tenemos la una a la otra. Que lo pases hermoso con deby y tu familia.
Mary Elle.
HAZ LO QUE yo digo y NO lo que yo HAGO.
Posted by
8:25 PM
Estoy harta de sentirme una tarada al cuete.
Estoy podrida de estresarme y frustrarme por nada!
Tengo que recordar (más cuando lo doy de consejo!):
"Si realmente se tiene que dar se va a dar solo"
no tengo que estresarme, pensar y pensar e ilusionarme
y depués PUM cabeza contra la pared. Además se muy bien
que "Si una persona realmente quiere algo realmente de mi,
va a mover cielo y tierra hasta hallarme y conseguirlo."
Me molesta y me irrita confiar de mas con lo desconfiada que soy,
con la mayoria de las personas y con las otras muy pocas por lo selectiva,
porque confio de más? como si fuese que lo conozco de hace mil primero hay que
conocer y al tiempo las confianza se va construyendo y no guiarme por mis juicios
y de ahi tenerle mas confianza y luego poco a poco que voy conociendolo la confianza
se va rajando hasta que se desmorona.
Estoy podrida de estresarme y frustrarme por nada!
Tengo que recordar (más cuando lo doy de consejo!):
"Si realmente se tiene que dar se va a dar solo"
no tengo que estresarme, pensar y pensar e ilusionarme
y depués PUM cabeza contra la pared. Además se muy bien
que "Si una persona realmente quiere algo realmente de mi,
va a mover cielo y tierra hasta hallarme y conseguirlo."
Me molesta y me irrita confiar de mas con lo desconfiada que soy,
con la mayoria de las personas y con las otras muy pocas por lo selectiva,
porque confio de más? como si fuese que lo conozco de hace mil primero hay que
conocer y al tiempo las confianza se va construyendo y no guiarme por mis juicios
y de ahi tenerle mas confianza y luego poco a poco que voy conociendolo la confianza
se va rajando hasta que se desmorona.
Posted by
5:12 PM
Más de 225.000 personas apoyaron al campo en su acto contra el Gobierno.
Fue más del doble de la convocatoria kirchnerista en Congreso, que estuvo alrededor de los 95 mil manifestantes. Los discursos de los dirigentes en la marcha de Palermo apuntaron a la votación de mañana en el Senado sobre las retenciones. De Angeli dijo que los legisladores "tienen la responsabilidad de mantener unido al pueblo", Miguens les pidió que "voten a conciencia" y Llambías, enérgico, les reclamó: "Pongan huevos".
by Clarin.
El titular de la Sociedad Rural Argentina (SRA), Luciano Miguens, se valió hoy de palabras de la propia presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, cuando se desempeñaba como senadora en 1996. Al hablar en el acto organizado frente al Monumento a los Españoles, Miguens recordó que la ex senadora por Santa Cruz había defendido el rol de "representantes de las provincias" de los integrantes de la Cámara Alta, por encima de sus identidades partidarias.
by Cronista.
by La Nación.
Me encanto cuando Miguens recitó un viejo discurso de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
De este tema me canse y harte, dios cuando se le vaya el orgullo por querer mostrar quien tiene mas autoridad (para Cristina F.) ahi se van a solucionar muchas cosas entre ellas la soledad por la que supuestamente esta sufriendo. Tiene más papel el ex presidente que su esposa la actual presidente. En fin "todo queda en familia", no? Sigo en mi postura de mi viejo post "La Realidad Argentina Nos Afecta a Todos."

by Clarin.

by Cronista.
by La Nación.
Me encanto cuando Miguens recitó un viejo discurso de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
De este tema me canse y harte, dios cuando se le vaya el orgullo por querer mostrar quien tiene mas autoridad (para Cristina F.) ahi se van a solucionar muchas cosas entre ellas la soledad por la que supuestamente esta sufriendo. Tiene más papel el ex presidente que su esposa la actual presidente. En fin "todo queda en familia", no? Sigo en mi postura de mi viejo post "La Realidad Argentina Nos Afecta a Todos."
Posted by
1:30 PM
Se me acabaron los aljafores SER!!!!!
Mis armas contra "los antojos"
de nervios por las evaluaciones.
Mis armas contra "los antojos"
de nervios por las evaluaciones.
The Elle ´s Life
Posted by
2:19 PM
Me siento vacía.
No puedo escribir, no me sale nada.
Nada como antes...
Todo las palabras me suenan huecas.
au revoir.
No puedo escribir, no me sale nada.
Nada como antes...
Todo las palabras me suenan huecas.
au revoir.
New Hampshire Film and Television Office, Southwest Airlines announce partnership
Posted by
7:33 AM
Southwest Airlines is now the Official Airline of the New Hampshire Film and Television Office.
The low-cost air carrier and the New Hampshire Film and Television Office are working together to promote the state as a film-friendly destination by bringing out-of-state industry members to New Hampshire to learn more about why they should bring their productions here.
“There are so many advantages to shooting in New Hampshire: there’s no sales tax, no income tax, no general film permits to fill out and the costs for food, lodging and other expenses tend to be lower than they are elsewhere,” said Matthew Newton, director of the New Hampshire Film and Television Office. “Then there’s the natural beauty of our mountains, lakes, forests and beaches, our classic New England villages and urban settings, and a myriad of other locations all ready to be used as sets. Constructing any of those would be an outrageous cost for a producer; here, they’re ready to go.”
“Southwest Airlines is pleased to be working with the New Hampshire Film and Television Office to bring filmmakers and other media professionals to the Granite State,” said Leslie Isselhard for Southwest Airlines. “We believe New Hampshire is a fantastic destination for filmmakers and businesses.”
The Southwest Airlines-New Hampshire Film and Television Office partnership will play a role in increasing the number of locally produced projects by creating awareness about the ease of access to the state via the airline. This will increase the state’s profile within the industry as well as increase the economic impact from money spent in-state by visiting production companies.
“We’re pleased to partner with Southwest Airlines, a national carrier that understands the advantage that New Hampshire has when it comes to film and television production,” said New Hampshire Department of Cultural Resources Commissioner Van McLeod. “When people from the industry fly into Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, they’ll be impressed with the variety of locations and the quality of people available to them within a few hour’s drive—or even closer.”
After 37 years of service, Southwest Airlines continues to offer the best value in airline travel, allowing Customers the opportunity to travel nonstop throughout the country at a very low fare. Southwest does not charge Customers an extra fee for changing their reservation and continues to offer free amenities, with complimentary pillows, blankets, snacks, juice, soda and water on all flights. Southwest recently updated its gate areas and improved its boarding procedure to make flying Southwest convenient and simple. Since 1987, the airline has maintained the fewest overall Customer complaints as published in the Department of Transportation’s Air Travel Consumer Report. Southwest Airlines (NYSE: LUV), the nation’s largest carrier in terms of domestic passengers enplaned, currently serves 64 cities in 32 states. Based in Dallas, Southwest currently operates more than 3,400 flights a day and has more than 34,000 Employees systemwide. To learn more visit: www.southwest.com.
The New Hampshire Film and Television Office, as part of the New Hampshire Department of Cultural Resources, works to expand business activity and employment throughout the state by acting as a liaison between the film industry and an established network of government agencies, the state’s film industry workforce and local property owners. The Office is responsible for location assistance, public relations and general production support in an effort to broaden the cultural and economic impact of film and television production in the state. For more information about film and television production in New Hampshire, call (603) 271-2220 or visit www.nh.gov/film.
New Hampshire’s Department of Cultural Resources includes the State Council on the Arts, the Film and Television Office, the Division of Historical Resources, the State Library and the American Canadian French Cultural Exchange Commission. The Department strives to nurture the cultural well-being of our state. From the covered bridges and traditional music of our past to the avant-garde performances and technological resources of today and tomorrow, New Hampshire’s culture is as varied as its geography and its people. This strong cultural base—which truly has something for everyone—attracts businesses looking for engaged workforces, provides outstanding educational opportunities and creates communities worth living in. Learn more at www.nh.gov/nhculture/.
NOTE TO EDITORS: For more information about the New Hampshire Film & Television Office, and the Department of Cultural Resources, or to set up an interview with Matthew Newton or Van McLeod, please contact Shelly Angers, 603-271-3136, shelly.angers@dcr.nh.gov. For more information about Southwest Airlines, please contact Leslie Isselhard at 410-691-2717, leslie.isselhard@wnco.com.
The low-cost air carrier and the New Hampshire Film and Television Office are working together to promote the state as a film-friendly destination by bringing out-of-state industry members to New Hampshire to learn more about why they should bring their productions here.
“There are so many advantages to shooting in New Hampshire: there’s no sales tax, no income tax, no general film permits to fill out and the costs for food, lodging and other expenses tend to be lower than they are elsewhere,” said Matthew Newton, director of the New Hampshire Film and Television Office. “Then there’s the natural beauty of our mountains, lakes, forests and beaches, our classic New England villages and urban settings, and a myriad of other locations all ready to be used as sets. Constructing any of those would be an outrageous cost for a producer; here, they’re ready to go.”
“Southwest Airlines is pleased to be working with the New Hampshire Film and Television Office to bring filmmakers and other media professionals to the Granite State,” said Leslie Isselhard for Southwest Airlines. “We believe New Hampshire is a fantastic destination for filmmakers and businesses.”
The Southwest Airlines-New Hampshire Film and Television Office partnership will play a role in increasing the number of locally produced projects by creating awareness about the ease of access to the state via the airline. This will increase the state’s profile within the industry as well as increase the economic impact from money spent in-state by visiting production companies.
“We’re pleased to partner with Southwest Airlines, a national carrier that understands the advantage that New Hampshire has when it comes to film and television production,” said New Hampshire Department of Cultural Resources Commissioner Van McLeod. “When people from the industry fly into Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, they’ll be impressed with the variety of locations and the quality of people available to them within a few hour’s drive—or even closer.”
After 37 years of service, Southwest Airlines continues to offer the best value in airline travel, allowing Customers the opportunity to travel nonstop throughout the country at a very low fare. Southwest does not charge Customers an extra fee for changing their reservation and continues to offer free amenities, with complimentary pillows, blankets, snacks, juice, soda and water on all flights. Southwest recently updated its gate areas and improved its boarding procedure to make flying Southwest convenient and simple. Since 1987, the airline has maintained the fewest overall Customer complaints as published in the Department of Transportation’s Air Travel Consumer Report. Southwest Airlines (NYSE: LUV), the nation’s largest carrier in terms of domestic passengers enplaned, currently serves 64 cities in 32 states. Based in Dallas, Southwest currently operates more than 3,400 flights a day and has more than 34,000 Employees systemwide. To learn more visit: www.southwest.com.
The New Hampshire Film and Television Office, as part of the New Hampshire Department of Cultural Resources, works to expand business activity and employment throughout the state by acting as a liaison between the film industry and an established network of government agencies, the state’s film industry workforce and local property owners. The Office is responsible for location assistance, public relations and general production support in an effort to broaden the cultural and economic impact of film and television production in the state. For more information about film and television production in New Hampshire, call (603) 271-2220 or visit www.nh.gov/film.
New Hampshire’s Department of Cultural Resources includes the State Council on the Arts, the Film and Television Office, the Division of Historical Resources, the State Library and the American Canadian French Cultural Exchange Commission. The Department strives to nurture the cultural well-being of our state. From the covered bridges and traditional music of our past to the avant-garde performances and technological resources of today and tomorrow, New Hampshire’s culture is as varied as its geography and its people. This strong cultural base—which truly has something for everyone—attracts businesses looking for engaged workforces, provides outstanding educational opportunities and creates communities worth living in. Learn more at www.nh.gov/nhculture/.
NOTE TO EDITORS: For more information about the New Hampshire Film & Television Office, and the Department of Cultural Resources, or to set up an interview with Matthew Newton or Van McLeod, please contact Shelly Angers, 603-271-3136, shelly.angers@dcr.nh.gov. For more information about Southwest Airlines, please contact Leslie Isselhard at 410-691-2717, leslie.isselhard@wnco.com.
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