Michael Jackson's Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
Dance Channel TV's "Can't Miss List"
Media Surrounds Jackson Family Compound in Encino
Hey Everyone,
As an LA resident, I am accustomed to living around Hollyweird situations.....where Robert Blake shot his wife or jogging past the house where Phil Hartman met his untimely death, or even living near the Jackson Family estate. I hate to be a part of the problem with tabloid journalism, but I was curious as to what was happening on the outside the gates of their estate. Their entire street is blocked off by LAPD, the only cars they were letting through were residents or press with official media passes. Now, you must understand that this street (which I am not going to name for the sake of the residents who live there and who must be ready for the media circus to go away. Google it, if you must.) is a major shortcut to the 405. It is heavily trafficked on morning and evening rush hour commutes. Even with all of the closures on the street, there are throngs of media and fans who walked over from their parked vehicles on the other side of the boulevard to stand outside of the family gates.....waiting and waiting and waiting for something to happen. It can take forever for a vehicle to pass through the gates while the fans scream for recognition and the paparazzi pray for the money shot. Sick? Yes, kind of. Sweet? Well, sort of. Many fans came armed with flowers, photos, t-shirts, and posters proclaiming their love for the King of Pop, a man they had forgotten in the past decade.
Here's my insider's perspective of the scene outside of the Jackson family gates:
Reporting Live from Encino,
KB (proud owner of one silver glove in the 80's)
Streamy Awards

Rachael Robbins, one of the vixens from the soap-spoof,
The Web Files". And yes, it's true, they did promise me a steak dinner if they won for fan favorite. Alas, it didn't happen.....but I am betting on next year, kids!
Kid Filmmakers offers summer camps
Summer Shoot is a working movie production unit, offering an intensive full-day curriculum for beginning and experienced filmmakers, i.e. hands-on instruction in acting, animation, directing, lighting, sound, makeup, screenwriting and videography. Participants will produce 4-5 short movies during the week, including a documentary, television commercial and a drama, comedy or musical. Open to ages 10-15, Summer Shoot will be held 9am-4pm on August 3-7 at The Players Ring, 105 Marcy Street in Portsmouth and on August 10-14 at Granite Media Center, 100 Autumn Drive in Tilton.
Animation Vacation is a week-long summer camp focusing on the art of animation, offering hands-on training in anime, Claymation®, storyboarding, screenwriting, editing and special effects. Open to ages 10-15, Animation Vacation will be held 9am-4pm on August 17-21 at Granite Media Center, 100 Autumn Drive in Tilton and on August 24-28 at Strawbery Banke Museum, 14 Hancock Street in Portsmouth.
The cost of each program is $295 per child ($265 for returnees and Kid Filmmakers Club members) which includes a DVD copy of film projects and certificate of completion.
Now celebrating its eighth year, Kid Filmmakers hosts summer filmmaking camps in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Rhode Island and produces year-round after-school and weekend programs. Faculty members are experienced film industry professionals with credits from MGM Pictures, Paramount, Warner Brothers, Dreamworks, Discovery Channel, NBC, PBS, ESPN, TNN, Turner Broadcasting, AOL/Time Warner and more.
For details, call Marianne Bornkessel, Regional Coordinator, at (603) 534-3934 or visit the website at www.kidfilmmakers.com.
"Dribbles" to screen at 2009 New Hampshire Conference on Bullying
[Submitted by our friends at Tosi Productions in Goffstown.]
Dribbles, the full-length movie produced by Granite State filmmakers Thomas and Heidi Tosi, will be the featured film at the 2009 New Hampshire Conference on Bullying which takes place June 24 & 25 in Meredith. The two day conference is a collaboration between the NH Department of Education Office of Safe & Drug-Free Schools and the NH Panel on Bullying. Co-sponsored by the New England Equity Assistance Center and the Education Alliance at Brown University, the event is designed for education professionals and parents and has the goal of addressing the need for consistent and accurate information to improve school climate.
Dribbles, a fictional drama filmed at locations throughout New Hampshire, is the winner of the 2008 New England Emerging Filmmakers Award from the Woods Hole Film Festival and has been awarded the Family Approved Seal by the Dove Foundation for quality entertainment and for the film's themes of perseverance and commitment. Dribbles will screen Wednesday evening during the conference and be followed by a brief question and answer session with the filmmakers.
Keynote speakers at the conference are Elizabeth Englander, professor of Psychology, author, Founder & Director of the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center and Stan Davis, counselor and author of "Schools Where Everyone Belongs: Practical Strategies for Reducing Bullying."
Presenters and facilitators at the conference include: Bill Preble, Professor of Education, New England College, Founder & President Main Street Academix; Randy Ross, New England Equity Assistance Center, school bullying and harassment policy expert; Richard Cole, Safe Schools Attorney and Consultant, investigative techniques; Paul Poteat, Assistant Professor, Boston College, peer group and social networks; Jeff Perrotti, Lecturer, Harvard University, Consultant, risks and resiliency in youth; Matt Gill, President, GLSEN, homophobic language and culture; Maureen Steer, NH State Trooper, DARE Supervisor, Cyberbullying; Pat Walker, Zaner-Bloser "Voices" curriculum, character education.
More information about the conference can be found at the Department of Education website. Click here for more.
Information about the feature film Dribbles, including DVD availability for those not attending the conference, can be found at www.dribblesmovie.com.
Special Edition: Dance Camera West's Choreography Media Honors Panel
On Friday night, I had the opportunity to attend Dance Camera West's Choreography Media Honors. What a treat for choreographers, dancers, and dance aficionados! The panel consisted of the top creative teams from "So You Think You Can Dance", "The 81st Annual Academy Awards", and "High School Musical". The night was moderated by Daniel Ezralow, choreographer for the upcoming Broadway show, "Spiderman".
New Hampshire filmmakers looking for feedback
TV Academy's Father's Day Salute to TV Dads

Hey Everyone,
Paley Center: "House" and My Fashion Faux Pas

Hey Everyone,
Upcoming writing and acting workshops with Ernest Thompson
The next WRITE ON GOLDEN POND workshops will be offered July 17-19 and again August 21-23. The next ACT ON GOLDEN POND master class will be held Saturday, August 1.
For registration details and information about additional workshops and film and theatre opportunities with Whitebridge Farm Productions, call (603) 744-3652 or visit www.whitebridgefarmproductions.com.
New Hampshire Film & Television Office begins production directory update
Those who are currently listed in the directory will be receiving an e-mail shortly containing their listing information and will be asked to take a moment, whether via e-mail or phone, to make any corrections to contact information or service descriptions, and to include any updates of recent credits, affiliations or equipment available.
For more information, our Production Directory guidelines are available here.
Updates and changes can be made via e-mail to film@nh.gov or by calling the New Hampshire Film & Television Office at (603) 271-2220. With your help we will be able to create the most comprehensive New Hampshire production directory possible.
Of course, if you are a New Hampshire-based individual or company not yet listed in our production directory, contact the New Hampshire Film & Television Office and we’ll work with you to get your listing online.
Surveillance Red Carpet Premiere and Press Junket

"What Goes Up" opens in select cities

[From our friends at the New Hampshire State Council for the Arts.]
A film by Robert Lawson of Peterborough, a 1999 State Arts Council Artist Fellowship finalist, has opened in Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago, Las Vegas and Buffalo, with showings scheduled for Brooklyn and Boston as well. The feature-length movie What Goes Up began as a play at Andy’s Summer Theater in Wilton, where Lawson was for many years artistic director. The co-writer of the play and screenplay, Jonathan Glatzer, also directed the film, which stars Hilary Duff, Steve Coogan, and Molly Shannon. The DVD will be released June 16. Here’s a link to the official web site: http://www.whatgoesup-themovie.com.
Arts in Education Partnership Conference
Save the weekend of October 30 to November 1, 2009, for the annual Arts in Education Partnership Conference, Maps & Journeys: New Perspectives on the Future of Arts Education in New Hampshire, sponsored by the NH State Council on the Arts, the Arts Alliance of Northern NH and the NH Department of Education. Keynote speakers are James and Maureen Tusty, filmmakers and producers of The Singing Revolution, a film telling the story of how the Republic of Estonia gained its freedom; and Julie Lyonn Lieberman, musician, composer, educator, and creator of the Green Anthem Project. Robert Morrison of Quadrant Arts Education Research, will give a report on NH's first Arts Education Survey of public schools, a partnership project of the NH State Council on the Arts and the NH Department of Education.
The weekend will also include arts education workshops, exhibits and presentations by N.H. Artist Fellows Alexandra de Steiguer (photographer) and Hideaki Miyamura (potter and glazer). This conference brings school educators and parents together with teaching artists and arts resources to design Artist Residency in School project grants and improve the quality of arts education in New Hampshire.
The site for the conference is the AMC Highland Center at Crawford Notch in Bretton Woods, N.H. To learn more, and for registration details, visit www.nh.gov/nharts or www.aannh.org. Questions? Contact Catherine O'Brian, arts education coordinator, N.H. State Council on the Arts, at 603-271-0795 or Catherine.R.OBrian@dcr.nh.gov
The Web Files: Tay Zonday/Chocolate Rain Edition

The Music Hall presents "Ocean Voyagers" w/ filmmaker Feodor Picairn
For more information, visit www.themusichall.org.
Dance Channel TV and Woody Allen's Whatever Works

Good Afternoon!
This is a two for one special on this day. I had two shoots pretty close together in time, so one outfit would have to suffice. I knew that I could go for a more casual dress so, I chose my favorite Mossimo eggplant-colored dress and changed it up in a variety of ways for two different looks. The dress is a super-comfy cotton dress with pockets in front and a rounded neckline with capped sleeves. I started out by wearing the dress with the fabric sash it comes with and my favorite Target gold costume jewelry. Again, my shoes were my most expensive thing on my body...fantastic Carlos Santana black and eggplant strappy sandals with green and yellow beaded accents. I know this sounds like a rainbow puked all over my shoes, but I promise they are hot with 4" heels. And yes, Carlos makes some good music, and some darn good stilettos.
My first shoot of the day was the first edition of the "Can't Miss List" for Dance Channel TV. We will be shooting the gossip and dance news every two weeks and it is a fantastic project that I look forward to each and every time. You can check out the first episode here: Can't Miss List
I then had to dash from the Valley and over the hill to the Pacific Design Center for the premiere of Woody Allen's "Whatever Works" for Focus Hollywood. I was excited to cover this premiere because of the cast: Larry David, Ed Begley Jr., Evan Rachel Wood, and Patricia Clarkson. I knew I had to dress the outfit up a bit for the red carpet, so I grabbed my gold Express belt that I wore from the Heroes Among Us red carpet. I LOVE this belt, it's gold, sparkly, and stretchy. That's right, stretchy....you can make it an empire waist belt or wear it low slung over your hips. It is GENIUS and it is still on sale at Express. Check it out here: Express Gold Belt I kept my Carlos Santana shoes and removed the gold necklace so it wouldn't clutter the effect of the belt. Simple......two outfits in one! Oh, and check out the footage here: Whatever Works
Thanks for all of your feedback. I want to show that it is easy and affordable to dress for the red carpet or everyday life. Keep your comments coming and follow me on Kristyn Burtt!
Reporting Live from Los Angeles!
The Web Files: The Crew Edition

Hey Everyone!
Area cable access stations offering summer video camps
Concord TV in Concord is offering an introductory video camp June 22-26 from 12:30-5 p.m. and an advanced camp from July 6-10 from 12:30-5 p.m. Learn the basics of video production in this exciting hands-on camp. Students will operate video production equipment (including portable cameras, a three camera production studio and computer editing). Campers will create a program that will air on Concord TV Channel 22. Both camps are for kids ages 11-14. Tuition for the Introductory Camp is $87 for Concord residents ($107 non-residents). Tuition for the Advanced Camp is $110 for Concord residents ($130 for non-residents). Camp director is Julienne Turner. For more information, click here or call 225-8690 to sign up.
N.H.'s Wilton Town Hall added to the National Register for Historic Places
The Wilton Town Hall is also the home of the Wilton Town Hall Theatre, a popular film viewing destination, showing a variety of first-run films as well as art house movies usually shown in theaters closer to metropolitan areas like Boston.
Read the full press release here.
Maxim Hot 100 Party

Hi Everyone!