Posted by
7:32 PM
Sergio Lamensa, estilista exclusivo de la marca Sedal, y Jessica Trosman, la reconocida diseñadora, se unen para co-crear el otoño Sedal: Moda, Arte y Styling integran la propuesta de la marca para disfrutar el otoño 2011.
Lookbook de SEDAL OTOÑO 2011
Fiel a su estilo de vanguardia, Jessica Trosman propone una colección original y destructurada. En ella conviven y contrastan los materiales livianos con los pesados. Compuesta por camisas, camperas, pantalones y vestidos hasta el piso, la dieseñadora apuesta a los colores que van desde el negro y el gris al nude. Colores que se funden perfectamente con los marrones, rojizos y sepias propios del entorno en Otoño.
Por su parte, Sergio Lamensa apostó a un look natural, con ondas al agua que aportan sofisticación y sensualidad para acompañar la vanguardia modera y urbana que propone Trosman.
Ambos co-crean impactantes looks para inspirar a las mujeres que vivan un otoño ideal: look glam y sin frizz.
'El viento, la lluvia y la humedad son características propias del Otoño. Estos facores afectan el look del pelo, y el frizz se convierte en un verdadero problema para las mujeres. Es por esto que Sedal, con su línea Clima Resist, protege el pelo contra la humedad del otoño e invita a las mujeres a vivir esta época del año consu mejor look y fundamentalmente, sin frizz', explicó Daniela Olivero, Brand Manager Sedal Argentina.
Por su parte, Sergio Lamensa apostó a un look natural, con ondas al agua que aportan sofisticación y sensualidad para acompañar la vanguardia modera y urbana que propone Trosman.
Ambos co-crean impactantes looks para inspirar a las mujeres que vivan un otoño ideal: look glam y sin frizz.
'El viento, la lluvia y la humedad son características propias del Otoño. Estos facores afectan el look del pelo, y el frizz se convierte en un verdadero problema para las mujeres. Es por esto que Sedal, con su línea Clima Resist, protege el pelo contra la humedad del otoño e invita a las mujeres a vivir esta época del año consu mejor look y fundamentalmente, sin frizz', explicó Daniela Olivero, Brand Manager Sedal Argentina.
El Museo Metropolitano fue la locación perfecta para presentar el Otoño Sedal. El majestuoso refinamiento edilicio introdujo a los invitados en el recorrido experiencial que se llevó a cabo en cada uno de los ambientes del museo.
El Museo Metropolitano fue la locación perfecta para presentar el Otoño Sedal. El majestuoso refinamiento edilicio introdujo a los invitados en el recorrido experiencial que se llevó a cabo en cada uno de los ambientes del museo.
En la recepción hubo músicos que mezclaron tonos de blues y jazz, dando lugar a la escena principal del evento donde se fusionó la moda con el arte. 5 modelos lucieros los looks co-creados por Sergio Lamensa y Jessica Trosman en un desfile muy poco convencional: una instalación de moda+arte que sólo dejó ver a las modelos apartir de hombros, destacando los looks de pelo encontraste con una iluminación cálida, propia del otoño. Esta imagen se fusionó con una proyección que reflejó el andar de las modelos caminando hacia el espectador, en un entorno gris, frío y humedo.
A través de peinados intervenidos artísticamente para lograr el efecto del frizz, este segundo espació buscó instalar la problemática del pelo en Otoño: el look se ve amenazado a causa del frizz ocacionado por la humedad.
A través de peinados intervenidos artísticamente para lograr el efecto del frizz, este segundo espació buscó instalar la problemática del pelo en Otoño: el look se ve amenazado a causa del frizz ocacionado por la humedad.
Por último, en el jardín del Museo se convirtió en el escenario ideal para la realización de un micro desfile de tendencias en pelo y moda. 8 modelos lucieron las propuestas que co-creadas por Sergio Lamensa y Jessica Trosman, quienes cerraron el desfile Otoño Sedal, Otoño sin frizz.
Por último, en el jardín del Museo se convirtió en el escenario ideal para la realización de un micro desfile de tendencias en pelo y moda. 8 modelos lucieron las propuestas que co-creadas por Sergio Lamensa y Jessica Trosman, quienes cerraron el desfile Otoño Sedal, Otoño sin frizz.

Posted by
2:37 PM

Freja Beha Erichsen,
street style,
New Hampshire High School Short Film Festival submission period closes, sees highest number of films, schools
Posted by
8:51 AM
The submission period has closed for the 2011 New Hampshire High School Short Film Festival, and the New Hampshire Film & Television Office has received a total of 54 student-produced works, an increase from the 32 submissions received the year prior. The submissions hail from 26 New Hampshire high schools from around the state, the highest number of schools represented in the Festival's four-year history. A panel of volunteer judges will be reviewing the submissions and will select the slate of films that will screen at the Festival on Saturday, June 18 at New Hampshire Technical Institute in Concord. Official selections will be announced by May 18. More information on the Festival is available at http://www.nhstudentfilm.com.
Department of State Open Competition: American Film Showcase - Contemporary Voices in Documentary and Fiction Film
Posted by
4:14 AM
The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) announces an open competition for a cooperative agreement to administer the American Film Showcase - Contemporary Voices in Documentary and Fiction Film program. Full details about this opportunity may be found at: http://exchanges.state.gov/grants/open2.html. The application deadline is May 25, 2011.
The American Film Showcase seeks to bring award-winning independent American documentaries and narrative films to audiences around the world to offer contemporary new insights into American life and culture, as well as issues affecting democratic societies. The films and their filmmakers will be showcased at international venues, including U.S. Embassy-organized events and/or international documentary and feature film festivals. This program will provide for travel by documentary and feature filmmakers and film experts in conjunction with public presentation of the films overseas. Participating filmmakers and film experts will be expected to conduct or participate in master classes, workshops, lectures and other outreach activities designed for a variety of audiences, with a focus on younger and underserved audiences. The classes are expected to include filmmaking workshops and training in digital technology, emergent media, and creative use of social media. The Showcase also will provide for follow-up programming that could include return visits overseas by American filmmakers or visits by young foreign filmmakers to the United States.
Through this solicitation, ECA seeks an organization to identify and select a collection of contemporary American documentary and narrative films that offer a broad overview of the best in current American independent filmmaking. The films should demonstrate high artistic quality, illustrate diverse viewpoints, address a variety of social issues, and reflect the creativity inherent in an open, democratic society. Documentaries are the priority focus of the American Film Showcase. They should address important and compelling themes and represent more than half of the films in the Showcase, with the remainder being narrative/fiction films. The Showcase also should include a small collection of animated shorts.
U.S. public and non-profit organizations meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue code section 26 USC 501 (c) (3) may submit proposals for the American Film Showcase. For this competition, all applicants must demonstrate sufficient experience successfully exhibiting, distributing, or otherwise promoting American documentaries and narrative films. They also should demonstrate extensive knowledge of independent filmmaking – especially the documentary field - both in the U.S. and overseas.
The American Film Showcase seeks to bring award-winning independent American documentaries and narrative films to audiences around the world to offer contemporary new insights into American life and culture, as well as issues affecting democratic societies. The films and their filmmakers will be showcased at international venues, including U.S. Embassy-organized events and/or international documentary and feature film festivals. This program will provide for travel by documentary and feature filmmakers and film experts in conjunction with public presentation of the films overseas. Participating filmmakers and film experts will be expected to conduct or participate in master classes, workshops, lectures and other outreach activities designed for a variety of audiences, with a focus on younger and underserved audiences. The classes are expected to include filmmaking workshops and training in digital technology, emergent media, and creative use of social media. The Showcase also will provide for follow-up programming that could include return visits overseas by American filmmakers or visits by young foreign filmmakers to the United States.
Through this solicitation, ECA seeks an organization to identify and select a collection of contemporary American documentary and narrative films that offer a broad overview of the best in current American independent filmmaking. The films should demonstrate high artistic quality, illustrate diverse viewpoints, address a variety of social issues, and reflect the creativity inherent in an open, democratic society. Documentaries are the priority focus of the American Film Showcase. They should address important and compelling themes and represent more than half of the films in the Showcase, with the remainder being narrative/fiction films. The Showcase also should include a small collection of animated shorts.
U.S. public and non-profit organizations meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue code section 26 USC 501 (c) (3) may submit proposals for the American Film Showcase. For this competition, all applicants must demonstrate sufficient experience successfully exhibiting, distributing, or otherwise promoting American documentaries and narrative films. They also should demonstrate extensive knowledge of independent filmmaking – especially the documentary field - both in the U.S. and overseas.
2012 Oscar Season: Are You Ready?
Posted by
12:00 AM
Here are all of the important dates for you Oscar aficionados out there. Mark your calendars now:
Tuesday, January 24, 2012: Nominations 5:30 AM PT
Monday, February 6, 2012: Nominees Luncheon
Saturday, February 11, 2012: Scientific and Technical Awards
Sunday, February 26, 2012: 84th Annual Academy Awards
In case you missed it, click on the links above for 2011 Academy Awards coverage.
Photos courtesy of Mingle Media TV.
Posted by
6:24 AM

far east movement,
ghost n stuff,
lika a g6,
The Great Blackout at the 2011 New York Auto Show
Posted by
9:28 PM
I also love that Jalopnik and the NY Times Automotive Section were on to my tweets within seconds. Are they trolling for auto show information by the moment? Either way, I am impressed. The consumers remained calm and the lights were back on within 8 minutes. The only thing that I questioned was the lack of response from show management. We didn't hear a peep from them. Surely there is a universal PA system to tell the public that everything is okay and that they are working on restoring power? Does anyone have an emergency plan in place these days? I know Cobo Hall didn't do a thing during the fire in 2009. The other good news is that New York's famed "Gang Night" on Easter Sunday was the calmest in years, so maybe my luck is changing after all.
Lights back on and all is well at the 2011 New York Auto Show........
**The views/opinions on this page are not necessarily those of TOYOTA.
Scenes from a NY Weekend
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6:01 AM
Although it was a holiday weekend, I had to work. So, my weekend was filled with a little work, a little play, a little shopping, and a whole lot of eating. Here are some fun scenes from my Easter weekend in the Big Apple.
We kicked off the weekend with our annual trip to Burgers & Cupcakes. Yep, you know what's on the menu.
Some of Lulu's treasures that are calling out to me. I promise, I will be back! Make sure to stop by and say "hi" to Lulu. Be sure to tell her that KB sent you.
Thanks to our crew, they posted some of our best shots from our Peter Luger Steakhouse night on the Toyota Live monitors.
I do like my steak!
We kicked off the weekend with our annual trip to Burgers & Cupcakes. Yep, you know what's on the menu.
For all of you flea market enthusiasts, The Garage Antique Flea Market (112 West 25th St, 10001) is a must on your next NYC visit. It is filled with vast treasures with a strong focus on vintage clothing, jewelry, and housewares.
When you go to visit the flea market, be sure to visit Lulu of Lulu's Vintage Lovelies. Her eye for style is impeccable and if you want quality designer vintage clothing, she is the woman to meet. We hunted through vintage Valentino to fox stoles to stunning chandelier earrings. It's the type of inventory that would make Rachel Zoe's head spin. I managed to grab a gorgeous white trench coat and a fitted gray military jacket. (Photos to come...)
Some of Lulu's treasures that are calling out to me. I promise, I will be back! Make sure to stop by and say "hi" to Lulu. Be sure to tell her that KB sent you.
I do believe the myth is true that NY water makes bagels, pizza, and cupcakes taste better than anywhere in the world. This slice was heaven. The right amount of cheese blended together with tangy sauce and a crispy crust.
A view of our Toyota Live stage from the 4th floor. It's fun to watch the audience from up above catch our show. I think it is the best view in the house. Next time, I have to send someone up there to take a photo when I am on stage.
Thanks to our crew, they posted some of our best shots from our Peter Luger Steakhouse night on the Toyota Live monitors.
I do like my steak!
What's your favorite thing to do in New York? Let me know in the comments since I have another week left in the big city.
Posted by
10:33 AM
arizona muse,
kate king,
street style,
suzie bird,
valerija kelava,
Posted by
10:29 AM
leather gloves,
leather shorts,
street style
Posted by
10:28 AM
flare pants,
katsia zingarevich,
red pants,
sam edelman,
street style
KISS at the New York Auto Show
Posted by
10:04 PM
The CEO of MINI North America, Jim McDowell, was a good sport who came out in his own KISS garb including the makeup. I am not sure anyone heard his speech though because the audience was impatiently waiting for the band to come out. And then.....the introduction. Here's a quick clip of their entrance and all of the noise coming from the crowd:
After all of that chaos, a little bit of banter was exchanged by the CEO and Gene Simmons and then the whole thing was over in about 4 minutes. That's it? Not one single song? Not even a fun appearance by Mini Kiss? I have never seen an event so hyped at press day, only to be done with the whole thing in a New York minute. Sigh. I know MINI USA spent a lot of money to have the guys out to the event, I guess I just wanted a bit more. For those of you that are hardcore KISS fans, I know it isn't the original line-up of Ace Frehley, Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, and Peter Criss, but hey, it was fun for us at press day for four minutes or so......
In case you were wondering where Paul Stanley was, he had to pull out at the last minute due to a family emergency.
All four vehicles were signed by the band members and are being auctioned off for charity. For more information on the event or the auction, check out MINI USA.
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