Registration for the third annual 48-Hour Film Project in New Hampshire is now open!
Now in its eleventh year, the 48 Hour Film Project is the ultimate filmmaking challenge. Making a film isn't so hard, is it? Here's the catch—you've got to do it all (and we mean all) in just 48 hours!
The N.H. competition will take place from Friday, June 10 through Sunday, June 12. The kick-off will be held in Manchester and a screening of all the entries will take place Wednesday, June 15, at Cinemagic Stadium Theaters in Hooksett where a panel of judges will choose the top entry to be sent to the international competition.
On Friday night, teams will meet to get a character, a prop, a line of dialogue and a genre, all to include in their movie. 48 hours later, the movie must be complete. Participants are responsible for putting together their own cast and crew, and getting equipment and anything else they need to make a film/video.
Registration is limited to the first 26 teams, and last year’s competition filled up quickly. Each team must pay a $135 registration fee, which goes directly to the national organization to pay for staff and website maintenance. Teams will be admitted on a first come, first served basis. Visit www.48hourfilm.com/newhampshire to register.
In 2010, nearly 40,000 filmmakers made 3,000 films in 80 cities on five continents. This year, we're even bigger, with filmmakers around the world taking the challenge to make a film in just 48 hours.
The 48 Hour Film Project's mission is to advance filmmaking and promote filmmakers. Through its festival/competition, the Project encourages filmmakers and would-be filmmakers to get out there and make movies. The tight deadline of 48 hours puts the focus squarely on the filmmakers—emphasizing creativity and teamwork skills. While the time limit places an unusual restriction on the filmmakers, it is also liberating by putting an emphasis on "doing" instead of "talking."
For more information about participating, contact Katie and Bill Cote at NewHampshire@48hourfilm.com or 603.494.3505.
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