When I originally contacted the Sony PR department looking to interview Demi Delia from Crackle.com's Mommy XXX, I wanted to find out more about the woman behind the fun, Osbourne-like reality show. I thought it was interesting look at working mom's life, raising two kids, and oh, by the way, she works in the adult industry. Once we got approval for the interview and all of the details were worked out, we headed to Demi's compound which is featured in the show. It turns out that Demi lives in my neighborhood, right around the corner. In fact, I had been jogging past her home for months with my puppy. The house is a former child star's childhood home, complete with a guard house and a fantastic pool and veranda in the back. I guess I should not have been surprised as that street is filled with celebrities, entertainment lawyers, and agents.
I have to say, I was a little more nervous for this interview versus others since Sony did send a publicist to monitor the taping. She asked for the questions ahead of time, but I didn't offer them up. Anyone that watches The Web Files knows that I am not interested in tabloid journalism, no matter what the subject. I want to understand the process of each individual show because each creator, actor, or crew member has a story to tell and it should be heard. That was our mission when we started the show and that mission will continue, no matter what the subject involves.
We had a fantastic time with Demi and her super cute puppy, Louie (be sure to check out his cameo at the end of the show.). Demi is personable, kind, and very open with her home life and her life in front of the cameras. I know the entire Web Files crew that day walked out of Demi's home feeling as though they really understood the person behind the show....and we liked her.
Fast forward a few weeks later, our show is still being edited for an August 10th launch at this point, but I see Demi make a comment on Twitter about an unfair interview with a Mommy Blogger. If you aren't familiar with Mommy Bloggers, they are considered a powerful group by advertisers to influence other mommies with their product reviews and endorsements along with writing about their daily lives. There is a lot of debate going on right now with the ethics of Mommy Bloggers and you find many interesting articles on the subject on the internet if the topic interests you. Anyway, Lindsay Ferrier of Suburban Turmoil, posted an article about her interview with Demi and a call to advertisers to pull their ads from the show on Crackle.com. We are talking about big companies like Kraft and Nabisco. Well, I piped in with my comments about how we cannot really judge someone unless we walk in their shoes and try to understand their lives and where they are coming from. I truly feel that it is important to get to know the person behind the public face. Well, it turned out to be quite an interesting debate. I don't want to rehash it all here as I know Lindsay feels a little beaten up about the issue, but I think it is important that all sides should be heard. My opinion was not changed by the discussion, I prefer to live a more open-minded existence, but I always appreciate rational debates. So please hear the other side, you can find Lindsay's posts here, here, and the follow-up here on the subject.
In parting, Kraft did pull its ads from the show.
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