"Bad Voodoo's War" airs on PBS' Frontline

Bad Voodoo's War, a film by New Hampshire filmmaker Deborah Scranton, aired on Frontline April 1. The film is a follow-up to Scranton's 2006 acclaimed film, The War Tapes.

In June 2007, as the American military surge reached its peak, a band of National Guard infantrymen who call themselves "The Bad Voodoo Platoon" was deployed to Iraq. To capture a vivid, first-person account of the new realities of war in Iraq for Frontline and ITVS, Scranton created "a virtual embed" with the platoon, supplying cameras to the soldiers so they could record and tell the story of their war. The film intimately tracks the veteran soldiers of "Bad Voodoo" through the daily grind of their perilous mission, dodging deadly IEDs, grappling with the political complexities of dealing with Iraqi security forces, and battling their fatigue and their fears.

Bad Voodoo's War can be seen in its entirety here.


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