Miami, Part 2

Well, our "official" season 3 portrait is here, proving that Miami was not all fun and games. We actually worked! Below, the hosts, me and Matt, and Technical Director, Cobra.

For fun, here are the other portraits from Seasons 1 and 2. This photo features two hosts, and two producers, Emily and my BFF working under her pseudonym, Lola Fontaine. Season 2's picture was taken in LA.

The photo that started it all.....Detroit, Season 1 with Apple's Photo Booth/Pop Art. Two hosts, the pensive Lola, and by far my favorite portrait of them all. A fun season that kicked off in Hawaii and ended in NYC.

The photos also highlight my ever changing hair color and length. What?!! You thought I was a natural blonde? For shame.

Indie filmmakers! Check out these New Hampshire locations!

Been going through the files in our online filming location library recently. You know, we've got some really neat backdrops around the state. In case you haven't seem them already, here are 10 locations that you should check out for your next film project here in New Hampshire!

Carroll County Courthouse in Ossipee

Cathedral Ledge in North Conway

Edna C. McKenna Correctional Facility in Boscawen

Granite Media Center in Tilton

Lucky's Barbershop in Concord

The Mall at Rockingham Park in Salem

Manchester-Boston Regional Airport in Manchester Stadium in Manchester

Star Island

Team O'Neil Rally School in Dalton

I'll be showcasing more potential film locations in upcoming posts - stay tuned!

Behind the Scenes of MWG Entertainment's Camera Obscura

Earlier this year, I became a special effects makeup geek. I had the privilege of attending the Dick Smith tribute at the Academy of Motion Pictures hosted by Oscar winner and An American Werewolf in London legend, Rick Baker. After that evening, I was officially hooked on the art of makeup and special effects. When the opportunity presented itself to shoot MWG Entertainment's Camera Obscura interview at the Obscure Artifacts studio, I was giddy.

The series first came to my attention via the woman who does it all in the web series industry, Andrea Ball. She knows everyone and she has her finger on the pulse of the web series world. Sandra and I were looking to do a Halloween episode and we thought Camera Obscura would be a perfect fit once we saw their creepy trailer. So once we worked out all of the details with publicist extraordinaire, Gabriel del Rio, we were on our way.

I felt like a kid in a candy shop walking into Obscure Artifacts. It is fascinating to see all of the demons, creatures, and chopped off arms laying around. I am not sure I picked the right outfit for the day though. A special effects studio is a little messy and, of course, I choose a dress more appropriate for cocktails than demonic creatures.

The interview went by so quickly because we had so many people to talk to! Director Drew Daywalt truly represents his Twitter bio, "Nice guy, creep films". As a creator of short form horror videos for Fewdio, it is hard to imagine all of the horrifying images come from such a kind man. Visually, I think all of you are really going to be terrified by Camera Obscura from the Linda Vista Hospital location to the dreary sepia look of the show, it promises some true meat for horror fans to sink their teeth into. It is the anticipation of what is about to happen that is truly terrifying. During the interview, Drew gave a terrific explanation of how horror can work well in under 3 minutes and in a web series. And while I understand why so many new media creators look to take their web series to different platforms like film and TV, it was refreshing to hear that Drew created this show solely for the web.

I was thrilled to finally sit down with MWG Entertainment's Director of Distribution, Sarah Evershed. We both seem to be at the same places at the same time, but we never seem to find each other at the new media events. I think Sarah demonstrates the strength of MWG Entertaiment's slate of new shows and their focus on women....whether it is a comedy like Road to the Altar or the horror genre with a strong, female lead. MWG Entertainment is making web series for you, ladies!

Finally, we have Jeff Farley, the special effects creator for Camera Obscura and the owner of Obscure Artifacts. If you have a fascination for the behind the scenes creations, this is the man to follow. With an impressive resume filled with notable productions like Serpent and the Rainbow, Scary Movie 2, and an Emmy nod for his work on Babylon 5, Jeff brought the six demons that Drew created to life. While the time frame for the production might have been tighter and shorter than some of his prior big budget work, the demons are going to haunt you. I don't think we gave Jeff his full due because he shared so much with us in regards to his work on Camera Obscura. We are tossing around the idea of doing a supplemental episode with all of the extra Jeff Farley footage, so stay tuned for a future announcement.

Of course, I cannot forget Corpulence. As creepy as he is in person, I think he was flirting with me. Sassily played by the talented Paul Hungerford, I never knew what he was going to say next. In fact, I think Corpulence is a bit of a diva. Paul was a total trooper in the Corpulence suit. I am sure he lost half of his body weight from the interview alone, but he gave The Web Files some of the best sound bites yet. From the beak-like eyes to the chubby belly, the work that went into Corpulence is pretty incredible. I was completely freaked out by the clicking sound the beak makes when in operation. And yes, there is a wizard behind the moving appliances, it has to be controlled by another special effects artist who kneels behind the suit. It takes a lot of work to be scary!

I hope you all have a truly spooky and safe Halloween. If you haven't caught our episode yet, watch it right here: Camera Obscura. And here, you will find the blooper reel of our beloved Corpulence: Corpulence.


Really, this view is responsible for my lack of posts this week.......

I mean, I am here for work. And it is very hard work each and every day.

My days are spent like this. It is exhausting.

New England Film Academy workshop Nov. 7 & 8

[Received this notice from Chris Watkins, director of the New England Film Academy.]

We are all story tellers. Everyone has a story to tell. Whether it's an idea for a great script, your family history or you want to share your company or organization's vision, these are all stories and one of the most compelling ways to share them is visually, through film. Filmmaking is a powerful medium that can accomplish so much, from educating and informing to entertaining, in a short amount of time.

In this two-day intensive workshop you will be introduced to the entire movie making process, both narrative and documentary style. Local professionals specializing in different aspects of filmmaking will lead mini-workshops over the course of the weekend, ranging from screenwriting to lighting & camera work to editing. Working in production teams you will get a chance to make a short film scene as part of this whirlwind weekend. From concept to final cut, we will walk you through it all.

The goal of the weekend will be to prepare you to make your very own project, to tell your story, whether it be a short film, a documentary, a commercial or web-based project, all the while networking you with other aspiring, local filmmakers. Take a look at the topics we'll be covering. Space will be limited to only 8 participants!

Come follow us on Twitter @nefilmacademy and $100 off the cost of the workshop! Tell a friend and come join us as The New England Film Academy presents another Weekend Film School coming up on November 7th & 8th!

"I really loved the weekend workshop. Our whole crew learned a lot AND we had a great time. Thank you again. The New England Film Academy hosted an outstanding program and we all left hoping to return soon."
Jane B. - Weekend Film School - April '09

Weekend Film School: Filmmaking 101
Location: Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Dates: November 7th & 8th
Saturday & Sunday 9am - 4pm
Tuition: $349 - Only 4 Spots Left! (Come follow us on Twitter and it's only $249!)
(Flex Payments Available)
Register Now
Follow us on Twitter: nefilmacademy

Casting Notice :: Photo Shoot in Portsmouth

[Received this notice late yesterday...]

Actors/actresses needed ASAP, ages 30-50, Asian and European looks

We are looking for 3 actors ages 30 - 50 (1 female and 2 male) for a photo shoot, Asian and European looks. This is for an online animated piece about a stock-trading website. $150 buyout, union and non-union OK. MUST be available for Portsmouth NH photo shoot Thursday October 29, 4:30 - 7:30 or Friday October 30, morning before noon. Send head-shots to

La otra cara de mi país

Riachuelo: por primera vez la Justicia federal fija multas a funcionarios públicos

27/10/2009 - Lo dispuso el juez federal de Quilmes y recaen sobre el titular de ACUMAR, Homero Bibiloni, y el intendente de Lanús, Darío Díaz Pérez. Es por falta de obras de construcción. También intimó al jefe comunal de Lomas de Zamora por desalojos en La Salada

El Juzgado Federal de Quilmes, a cargo de Luis Armella, aplicó por primera vez multas a funcionarios públicos por el incumplimiento de obligaciones en el marco de la ejecución del fallo de la Corte Suprema en la causa “Mendoza”, donde el Máximo Tribunal ordenó en el 2008 llevar adelante un plan de saneamiento de la cuenca Matanza Riachuelo.
La medida recayó sobre el presidente de la Autoridad de Cuenca Matanza Riachuelo (ACUMAR), Homero Bibiloni, por no realizar un muro perimetral en el complejo industrial ACUBA, y sobre el intendente del partido bonaerense de Lanús, Darío Díaz Pérez, por la falta de utilización del dinero que estaba disponible para la confección de esa obra.
En la resolución, firmada este martes, Armella dio un plazo de cinco días a Bibiloni para realizar el muro perimetral y de 48 horas al intendente Díaz Pérez para devolver el dinero que iba a ser destinado a ese fin ($2.270.000, en total). De no cumplir con las intimaciones, la multa será operativa.
En ambos casos, la sanción es de $5.000 por cada día de incumplimiento durante la primera semana, y se incrementará en $5.000 cada siete días si persiste la mora.
Se trata de las sanciones que la Corte dispuso su aplicación en el fallo “Mendoza”, dictado en julio del 2008. Allí, el Alto Tribunal habilitó al juez de ejecución de esa sentencia a fijar multas diarias derivadas del incumplimiento de los plazos establecidos, pudiendo además ordenar la investigación de los delitos que deriven de la inobservancia de los mandatos judiciales.
El juzgado también inició una causa penal a fin de que se determine si existió algún delito por parte de funcionarios del Municipio de Lanús y/o de ACUMAR, como consecuencia de la falta de ejecución del capital para la realización del muro perimetral en ACUBA.
Cabe recordar que el predio ACUBA había sido anteriormente desalojado y clausurado por orden de Armella tras detectar el ingreso de material contaminante, y su posesión había sido restituida a la provincia de Buenos Aires, luego de que el juez constatara que una asociación de curtidores, a quien había sido otorgado el terreno, incumplió con su obligación de construir un polo curtiembrero y una planta de tratamiento de residuos industriales.
Asimismo, y a fin de verificar el efectivo cumplimiento del saneamiento y recomposición en ejecución, el magistrado dispuso que personal del juzgado a su cargo podrá constituirse en cada lugar de emplazamiento donde deban constatarse las obras programadas.

La Salada, sin desalojos
En la misma disposición, Armella intimó al intendente de Lomas de Zamora, Jorge Omar Rossi; al director de Vialidad provincial, Arcángel José Curto, y al titular de ACUMAR, Homero Bibiloni, a que en 30 días desalojen asentamientos precarios y cualquier obra edificada en los márgenes linderos al Riachuelo ubicados sobre el predio conocido como “Feria La Salada”, de esa localidad bonaerense, también bajo apercibimiento de la aplicación de una multa por cada día de demora y por igual monto que la anterior.
El objetivo del desalojo es evitar que la presencia de esos asentamientos dificulte la limpieza de márgenes y el trazado del camino de sirga, obras que deberán comenzar a ejecutarse a partir de noviembre próximo.

Source: CIJ

Interview with legendary movie poster designer Bill Gold

Movie posters never get the credit they deserve, but over at the Roundtable Pictures Blog, written by New Hampshire writer and filmmaker Lars Trodson, there's a really great interview with one of the great movie poster designers in film history, Bill Gold. Lars had the opportunity to speak with Gold at his home in Connecticut about his legendary career -

...and you can read it here.

Conant High School grad works on WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE

I was forwarded along this recent story in the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript about a graduate from Conant High School in Jaffrey who just finished up work as an assistant editor on the feature film WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE. Thought I'd share a link to the story here:

[Note: The Monadnock Ledger-Transcript has updated the URL for this story on their site. The new URL is below. Sorry for any inconvenience when this was first posted.]

Read the story...

JS ♥

Source: Cobrasnake

New Hampshire Film Festival announces 2009 winners

After four days of independent film that drew nearly 9,000 attendees to several sold-out screenings and talk-of-the-town, standing-room-only after-parties, the New Hampshire Film Festival announced 2009 Granny Award winners during closing ceremonies Sun., Oct. 18.

Hundreds of VIP attendees, artists, and industry icons flooded the independent film festival's fabulous after-parties and VIP suites at Flatbread Co., Portsmouth Gas Light Co., the One Hundred Club, and Pesce Blue. NHFF attendees included actors Brett Cullen and Ann Cusack, and Hollywood producer Mark Urman.

Read more here.

ArtWorks-NH Artist Exchange happens November 6

Calling all artists, artisans and craftspeople: maximize your marketing efforts and expand your network. This year’s ArtWorks-NH Artist Exchange-South will feature a keynote address by New Hampshire humorist and storyteller Rebecca Rule. Sessions will include marketing strategies and financial fitness. The day will conclude with a presentation of the Artist Innovation Award and a roundtable discussion.

The workshop is scheduled for Friday, November 6, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester. Registration is $45 for MicroCredit-NH members or $55 for nonmembers. Some scholarships are available. The fee includes morning refreshments and lunch.

Call 800-769-3482 to register. For more information, visit

The event is sponsored by the N.H. State Council on the Arts, Citizens Bank, St. Mary’s Bank and the N.H. Community Loan Fund. ArtWorks-NH is managed by MicroCredit-NH, a non-profit program of the Community Loan Fund.


Kaya Scodelario

Behind the Scenes of Compulsions

This interview was a long time in planning and it finally all came together on a Sunday in September, just days before I took off for a month long jaunt to Dallas. It, of course, managed to be another one of those super hot days that always make our makeup artist, Melissa Anchondo's, job that much harder. Sandra Payne, The Web Files' EP, managed to come up with another genius location for the shoot. Compulsions is a gritty, edgy drama, so Sandra found a spot in Studio City in former office supply store. Yes, an office supply store. Amazing, right? Honestly, it looked like a place where bodies long-forgotten might be hidden, but it used to be filled with retro and art deco office furniture along Ventura Boulevard.
This episode featured Show Creator Bernie Su, Producer Michael Tohl, and actors Craig Frank, Seth Caskey, Annemarie Pazmino, and Janna Bossier. It is always interesting to interview people you are friendly with because I am never sure how the show will turn out. Sometimes the familiarity can breed a weak interview, but Bernie had a strong vision for Compulsions and that was communicated well throughout the interview.
I had the opportunity to see the first two episodes and I must say, I am impressed. All of the buzz around the show is well-deserved. Fans of The Crew will be surprised to see Craig Frank's dark performance, but be prepared for some stomach curdling moments. This show is not for the faint of heart judging from the first two episodes. I begged Bernie for a few more episodes, but no luck. He left me hanging, so I will just have to wait until the debut in December like everyone else.
We also interviewed the cast including The Web Files' first repeat guest, Craig Frank. We will have more with the cast after the show debuts, so stayed tuned. I want to save a few surprises until then, but I will say AnneMarie has turned out to be one of my favorite new Twitter pals. As a fan of The's Sorority Forever, I was thrilled to not only meet her, but we discovered we are the perfect Oreo cookie pals--she eats the chocolate cookie and I eat the sugary, cream filling. Annemarie, I owe you a you want the regular kind or the Double Stuffed?
Finally, I get a lot of questions about the hats I wear during the show. I am a fan of hats, but I only own three or four. The hat I wear in the intro to The Web Files belongs to my boyfriend who is a huge Indiana Jones fan. The hat was made by the original hat designer, so I was lucky he let me have it for the day. Trust me, that hat is as well cared for as our pets at home. Since I didn't wear a hat in this episode, Bernie picked up the slack with one of his signature hats. If you ever meet Bernie at one of the Tubefilter functions, you will know him by his hat and the camera hanging from his neck.

So, look for more from The Web Files and Compulsions in December and find out why the NY Times marked Bernie's show as a "must see" on a list of hot fall Web TV series. If you missed our interview, check it out here: Compulsions.

Jeremy`s backstage

Source: Cobrasnake
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