The State Fair of Texas: A Long, Wet Weekend!

Here I am, still alive and thriving on Day 12 of the State Fair of Texas. I cannot believe how quickly time is going by. I think it is because this whole State Fair thing is new and exciting. I am overwhelmed at how serious Texas is about their fair and FOOD!

So, I finally decided to dive into the fried food. My co-host and I came up with a whole points system where we get 3 points a week for fried food. Any vegetable or fruit that is fried is 1 point while fattening desserts are 2 points. We haven't agreed as to where the Corny Dog falls...1, 2, or a disgusting 3 points? So, I wasted my first point on fried green tomatoes. I love fried green tomatoes. I did not love salty Texas fried green tomatoes.....

Look at my hesitant face. I love to eat, but I do not love to eat these fried green tomatoes.

Okay, this is one thing I take issue with, the State Fair coupons. For every item of food I want to purchase, game I want to play, or ride I want to go on, I must have a coupon. Honestly, it works fine for rides, but for food.....not so much.

Dear Texas State Fair administration, I do not want to wait in two different lines to get my food--one for coupons, one for food. It is inefficient and it has kept more money in my wallet than you can possibly imagine. I don't like to wait in line. If you want me to spend money, get rid of the food coupons. Okay, off of my soap box.

This was another wasted point: fried peaches and cream. Supposedly, this was voted the "tastiest' fried item at the fair this year. Eh, I disagree. It was a canned peach soaked in high fructose corn syrup. Where is my fresh fried peach? Hmmm, another fried point down the drain.

What was delicious? Good old-fashioned soft serve ice cream. Our team has made friends with the ice cream man......

We all scream for ice cream!

On Saturday, we had a lot going on in the booth. The Kaizenettes performed songs on demand for their littlest fans.....

Crowds raced over to our area the second the Grambling State Drum Line came through....

Have you ever seen a drum line in person? Oh, it is amazing, even better than the movie.....

To even things out, we had the cheerleading squad from Prairie View tumble around the Tundra.

Now, let's talk about Sunday. It was so rainy, we had to sweep the water to the drains to prevent flooding. He hosts and he sweeps......

Even though she is breaking a sweat, Vicki still has great hair!

Super rainy as the puddles form in the mulch.........

It was also a bit chilly, so the Tacoma was a great place for little people to warm up. Wait a minute....that's Simms!

There's nothing worse than wet feet and wet socks, so the bathroom hand dryers came in handy.

Another day upon us! Monday brings cloudy skies, but little rain. You can step inside for "Food, Fiber, Fun, and more!" Who knew fiber was so exciting?

Ah, this must be where the mythic fried butter is sold........

Hmmmm, I see fried moon pies.........

.....and Dr. Pepper Beef Jerky......I will never understand the Dr. Pepper craze. I just don't like the taste.....

.....wait! Is that the famed fried butter sign? Yes, it's here! No, I didn't try it today, I am saving it for a special day.

Oh, you can also get fried cookie dough here. Perfect for dessert, but 2 fried food points.

Um, how does one deep fry a latte?

Good thing that cotton candy is "Fat Free"!

Dr. Pepper is a big "no" for me, but I sure do like a Coca-cola. Do I want it fried?

If I keep eating this way, I will be "Big As Texas"!

By the way, Michael Jackson made an appearance at the fair......

And like all music superstars, he was ready with a wardrobe change.

The rides, uh, I am kind of a wimp in this department. Unless it is at Disneyland, I stay on the ground.

One ride you won't see me on.....we saw a cell phone fly out of someone's pocket and hit a person in the crowd from this ride.

People hanging upside down and enjoying it. I can't believe people pay to do this.
Okay, 13 more days to go! I promise more photos as the week goes on and I want to thank everyone for following along. I hope you are enjoying the ride as much as I am.

One final update: If you want to hear the story of the Dallas robots, click here: Robots!
Thanks to Detroit Bitter for the link.

If you missed the other Dallas posts, click here, here, and here.

Part 5 is here.


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