New Hampshire Premiere of "Monsters, Marriage, and Murder in Manchvegas"

[Received this bulletin from Matt Farley of Motern Media.]

Motern Media Presents the New Hampshire premiere of Monsters, Marriage, and Murder in Manchvegas, Sunday, January 3, 2010 at 4:30 p.m. at the Wilton Town Hall Theater in Wilton, NH. Admission is free.

Producer (and Manchester resident) Matt Farley has se his latest straight-faced comedy in the city of Manchvegas. Monsters, Marriage, and Murder in Manchvegas is a fun tribute to Manchester, NH, featuring scenes at The Red Arrow Diner, Rock Rimmon, Pappy's Pizza, and the Merrimack River.

"Charles Roxburgh and his entire cast his the perfect tone throughout" - Shock Cinema
"A fun, off-beat effort." - DVD Verdict
"A movie that is nearly impossible to dislike" - Angels in Distress
"Everything about it - the writing, the acting, the whole composition of the film - just exudes charm" -

Manchvegas Facts:

Monsters, Marriage, and Murder in Manchvegas was shot on super-16mm film all around New Hampshire in September of 2008.

Matt Farley leaves copies of his DVDs most everywhere he goes. Many new fans literally discovered the movies where Farley left them: on a park bench, on the sidewalk, or leaning against a building.

Monsters, Marriage, and Murder in Manchvegas is now available on iTues, Netflix, and other online retailers.

Contact: Matt Farley, Motern Media, 30 Hanover St. #312, Manchester, NH 03101. (603) 644-0048.


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