UNH Manchester hosts script reading of NIKI SWEET TALK MOVES

[Received the following press release from our friend and New Hampshire screenwriter Dana Biscotti Myskowski.]

You've seen the movies, now hear one:
UNH Manchester hosts script reading of NIKI SWEET TALK MOVES

Manchester, NH - The UNH Manchester Communications Arts program is hosting a stage reading of Adjunct Professor Dana Biscotti Myskowski's creative thesis screenplay, NIKI SWEET TALK MOVES, on Thursday, April 17.

The script, NIKI SWEET TALK MOVES, tells the political, panoramic and profoundly personal story of a cynical investigative reporter, down on her luck, who heads into the Arctic wilds to meet the requirements of her father's will...and instead, inadvertently uncovers a deadly environmental scandal. Along the way, Wyn Baker finds not only true love, but a reawakened sense of purpose...and a profound connection to her roots. The title plays off the rough phonetic pronunciation of Nikisuittuq, which is Inuktitut for the North Star or "never moves."

Volunteers will read from Myskowski’s graduate thesis project, a feature-length screenplay that earned her an MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College in January 2008.

Script readers will include:
Barbara Jago, Associate Professor of Communication Arts
Tom Anastasi, Lecturer of Business
Raina Drouin, Administrative Assistant
Kristin Robbin, Ian Reddick, and Kevin Mason, Students
Dana Biscotti Myskowski, Adjunct Professor, Communication Arts

An award-winning screenwriter, Dana Biscotti Myskowski teaches scriptwriting and media writing courses at UNH Manchester. Her writings have appeared in The SNReview, The Pitkin Review, The Berkshire Review, Hollywood Scriptwriter, The Alpha Chi Recorder, Reader's Digest, The Dabbling Mum, Absolute Write, Once Upon a World, and more. She has scripted a planetarium show, a short film, numerous corporate videos, public service announcements, an artist's video, two full-length children's plays for hire that were produced along with two ten-minute children's plays, and a plethora of short and feature length spec scripts. She has written for radio, newspapers, and newsletters, and has edited a college alumni magazine.

The reading is free, open to the public and will take place on Thursday, April 17 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm in the third floor auditorium at the University Center, 400 Commercial Street. Parking is available at city metered spaces or in the parking garage on Spring Street. Please contact Kim Wall if you need special accommodations, 603-641-4306. Visit our website for a complete listing of events this spring, www.unhm.unh.edu.


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