New Hampshire Production Directory - Updates, Guideline Changes, ACTION REQUIRED

Back in November and December of 2009, the New Hampshire Film & Television Office began contacting those listed in our online production directory ( about updating their listings. As of March 2010, we have only had replies from nearly half of those listed and will attempt to make contact with those remaining individuals and companies. However, if you’ve received an email from us asking you to update your information and haven’t yet replied, please do so before April 15, 2010, as all non-updated listings will be removed from the directory, ensuring that the information we are providing to our visitors is current and reliable.

If you'd like to see if your information is current, visit and click on either your name or company name to view your listing. This page will show and alphabetical list of all the companies or individuals in the directory.

We have also updated our directory guidelines, which can be found here: PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to keep the directory as up to date as possible, listings are now only good for the current calendar year. Companies and individuals will be contacted in December about renewing their listing for the forthcoming year (all listings are free of charge.) Unless we receive a confirmation at the end of the year, those listings will expire.

Also, we have received growing interest from industry members around New England looking to get listed in our production directory. While we thank those for their interest and do keep those inquiries on-file for future reference, listings in the New Hampshire Production Directory are reserved for individuals and companies that reside in New Hampshire.

To update your listing, send any changes to

If you have any questions about our online production directory, please feel free to contact the New Hampshire Film & Television Office at 603-271-2220 or


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