Behind the Scenes of Chick

Okay, I got a good laugh from watching this episode. How cold was it in LA the day we shot this episode? I am going to guess the high was around 65 degrees and we were acting like it was in the low 50's. (**UPDATE: The high that day was 64 degrees.) Ah, as LA residents, we are such weather wimps. I do remember it being a bit breezy, so maybe that contributed to the "chill" in the air? Either way, I am thrilled we were able to feature Chick. It is a show that you need to add to your list of shows to watch. It has a different flow and rhythm than we have seen in other series. And despite a little detour in the middle of the season which originally was to include an interactive component, stick with this show, it is well worth it!

Creator and star, Kai Soremekun, and Production Designer, Kimberly Huie, brought the fantastic set to us on the shoot. I am not sure if it was clear in The Web Files episode, but we were using the car as a part of the backdrop for the interview. This vehicle plays a huge part of Chick's journey from her bad relationship to her development as a superhero. Inside the vehicle, Kimberly worked really hard to create some visual images and designs that are key to Chick's storyline...from fabrics to props, many of these items are essential to the character. While it was fun to have the traveling set, it was a little crowded on the car bumper, so you can imagine the shooting challenges for this interview!

Kai also gave a terrific shout out to Jonathan Moore of Rowdy Orbit who is doing a great job with his site which gives the spotlight to multi-cultural series. He had emailed me over the summer and he gave me a few series to take a look at. Chick happened to be one of those series. The show caught my attention once again when The Washington Post article came out. Then a few months later, while checking out Compulsions' win at the Indie Soap Awards, Chick pops up again! I figured it was a sign that it was time to give the show its due. (And another sign that persistence is key in making me aware of your series. I love receiving press releases, articles, news, etc. It give us the opportunity to keep an eye on your series and hopefully, work together in the future. So, keep those emails coming!)

Kai and Kimberly have brought some interesting components to the series that we haven't seen before on The Web Files...from a fascinating look at the stunt behind the scenes to producing a green web series. There are lists of ways you can make your production environmentally friendly and some valuable tips to keep the costs down on an ultra-low budget show. So, make sure you head to the Chick website and tell Kai that The Web Files sent you.

One final note, if you are looking for fresh insight on multicultural series and new media in general, make sure to bookmark Aymar Jean Christian's blog, Televisual. It should be on your new media list next to Tubefilter and NewTeeVee.

So, find the inner superhero in you and check out Episode #33: Chick
As always, feel free to comment below, I always love to hear your thoughts.

**UPDATE** Chick love is spreading across the nation. Check out this great post featuring Kai, Chick, and our interview with her: One Funky Mama.


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