Hot Topic Tuesday: The Internet Hates You and Loves You

I have developed a pretty thick skin working on the internet.  I love that I get immediate feedback on my reporting from people who watch what I do for the first time or for the 249530494385394857th time.  I like to pride myself on responding to most of my comments and posts, but I usually refrain from talking back to the really mean ones if I think it is unwarranted.  I love constructive criticism, but I am also human so if you tell me I should shut up forever because my yakking hurts your ears, I think..."lower the volume or turn me off.  Welcome to America, kids, we have choices here."  Yet, those haters love to come back week after week.  They get great enjoyment out of making comments on YouTube and it makes me laugh.  We are all armchair critics now that the internet has given us a bigger voice, but an anonymous one at the same time.  You can hide behind your keyboard and criticize away.  The criticism often has more to do with you versus me, but that's okay...I'm human and I have lots of foibles....and bad hair days too!

So, enjoy my latest AfterBuzz TV recap show of Dancing With the Stars with our guests, troupe members Sasha Farber and Emma Slater.  We had such a blast and I had loved reading all of the comments.....both good......and snarky. (Click on the video to be directed to YouTube and all of the comments.)

I would love to hear your opinion on this.  Chime in below....and yep, you can respond anonymously.  


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