Limited theatrical & broadcast premiere of indie feature film JOY AND THE APOCALYPSE

[From Daniel R. Black at Rock Your Head Productions.]

My New England Studios is excited to announce the official launching of its Independent Film Series. The series uses an exclusive branded entertainment model that provides an opportunity for local businesses to be featured in films and to participate in a wide spread TV advertising campaign and marketing buzz.

In June 2010, MyTV New England Studios began working with production companies and advertising agencies to produce and market local independent feature films. The first film to be completed and released will be JOY AND THE APOCALYPSE.

Daniel R. Black (Rock Your Head Productions), Ryan Convery (Fat Foot Films) and Christopher C. Murphy (MyTV New England Studios) began development of JOY AND THE APOCALYPSE with a goal of attracting product placement to their film. It placed its first monetary sponsor that in turn kicked off MyTV New England Studios' additional support. The film debuts at Red River Theaters on Feb 5th and a broadcast premiere is set for Feb 12th on MyTV New England.

Today, there are dozens of production companies and advertising agencies using the evolving branded entertainment model to produce and self-distribute their TV shows and feature films on MyTV New England. The upcoming commercial broadcast TV shows "Boston Ruit" and "" are using the exclusive model.

Christopher C. Murphy says, "JOY AND THE APOCALYPSE was produced with a major advantage over most independent feature films. It had broadcast distribution setup before a frame was shot. As more resources got attached to the film it expanded its distribution by adding a limited theatrical premiere. If more resources got attached then we would have kept adding more theaters and broadcasts. The film has benefited from a wide spread TV advertising campaign while the film was in post-production. That's very unusual for any local independent film and it sets the stage for amazing things to come."

Rock Your Head Productions & Fat Foot Films are New England-based production companies that produce indie feature films. Contact Daniel R. Black at Rock Your Head Productions (802-498-7601) and Ryan Convery at Fat Foot Films (508-667-1437) with audience, press and sponsorship inquiries.

MyTV New England is the broadcast leader in branded entertainment in New England. The channel is a major broadcaster that reaches 2.5 million homes through cable systems (Comcast, Metrocast, RCN etc), satellites (Dish Network, Direct TV), Verizon FIOS and over-the-air broadcasting (rabbit ears).  Contact Christopher C. Murphy at MyTV New England Studios with audience, press and sponsor inquiries. (978-338-5589)


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