The New Hampshire Film Festival (NHFF) is currently accepting screenplay submissions for the 10th Annual NHFF Screenplay Competition, Oct. 14 - 17 in downtown Portsmouth. Online entries close Aug 5, 2010, with a special extended deadline for Withoutabox registrants of Aug. 15, 2010.
Drawing nearly 9,000 attendees in 2009, NHFF has garnered national press coverage including from Moviemaker Magazine, which called NHFF "the film center of New England." In 2009, NHFF received more than 700 films and 200 screenplays for consideration. Screenwriters should submit scripts through upload service.
NHFF is also proud to welcome Dana Biscotti Myskowski as the new NHFF Screenplay Competition Director. An adjunct professor at the University of New Hampshire, Biscotti Myskowski is a professional screenwriter and producer and holds an MFA in creative writing: screenwriting from Goddard College. She is also a member of the NH Film Commission Board of Directors.
"Dana's expertise and passion for screenwriting will be a wonderful addition to the NHFF Screenplay Competition," said NHFF Executive Director Nicole Gregg. "We are very fortunate to have her on-board."
The top three finalists in the NHFF Screenplay Competition will have their scripts ranked by accomplished industry professionals. Thanks to a partnership with ScriptShark, each of the top three finishers will receive ScriptShark Regular Coverage (valued at $175 each). The top prizewinner will receive additional review; if the script is determined to be strong enough by ScriptShark executives, it will be shopped to agents, managers, and producers in the hopes of stimulating some interest for the screenwriter.
Further information is available online at; questions may be e-mailed to Screenplay Competition Director Dana Biscotti Myskowski at
About NHFF
The New Hampshire Film Festival is a four-day cultural experience set in the fall foliage of picturesque Portsmouth, NH. One of the largest film fests in New England, NHFF draws celebrities, Academy-Award winners, film industry veterans and local film lovers. NHFF offers workshops and discussions for young and new filmmakers to interact with industry pros and to learn the art and business of film. Held the weekend after Columbus Day, NHFF drew an estimated 9,000 attendees and 80 films in 2009. Further information available online at Advertising and sponsorship opportunities are available by calling 603.647.6439.
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