[Received this bulletin from the LEF Foundation in Cambridge, MA.]
LEF is pleased to announce we are adding (2) new deadlines for Documentary Pre-Production funding to our annual grants calendar. As you know, the mission of LEF New England is to fund the work of independent film and video artists in the region and broaden recognition and support for their work locally and nationally.
LEF primarily executes this mission through the Moving Image Fund. Historically, the Moving Image Fund has made awards once a year. However, beginning in September 2009, there will be a total of (3) opportunities each year to approach LEF New England for support for documentary projects.
Grants Deadlines
The 2009 - 2010 LEF New England grants calendar will be:
Pre-Production Grants: Proposal Due Date Friday, 18 September 2009
Production and Post Production Grants: LOI Due Date Friday, 29 January 2010
Pre-Production Grants: Proposal Due Date Friday, 18 June 2010
The addition of these new deadlines reflects our decision in the past year to move to more focused, multi-year funding of selected film projects. By offering these additional deadlines for pre-production grants apart from the major deadline in January, there is an opportunity to apply for continued LEF funding for a production within the same year. Our hope is that the new deadlines will keep us in conversation with filmmakers throughout the year and will contribute to the creation of a sustainable environment of support for new work created by regional filmmakers.
Grants Workshop
LEF will be hosting a grants workshop to discuss the new deadlines and how to apply on Monday, August 17th from 6:30 - 8:30 at Unit 2A, home of The Film Posse, 535 Albany Street, Boston's South End (ring buzzer 0002).
Here's a google map to help you locate the space:
Please RSVP if you plan to join us. Contact Program Manager Sara Archambault at (617)492-5333 or sara@lef-foundation.org. (There will be snacks!)
Looking forward to seeing you there.
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