NH Filmmaker Roundtable Scheduled for March 5

The next New Hampshire Filmmaker Roundtable, presented by the New Hampshire Film and Television Office, will take place on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 from 12-3 p.m. in the Mountain View Room (3rd Floor) of the L.P. Young Student Center at Keene State College in Keene, NH.

In addition to updates from the New Hampshire Film and Television Office, our discussion will focus on how our industry can tap into the resources within film and video education programs around the state and how the Monadnock Region of New Hampshire has been, and continues to be, a hot spot for creativity.

Industry professionals as well as current and prospective media students are invited to attend this networking event as we will also tour the new Media Arts Building on the Keene State College campus. The Film Studies, Graphic Design, Communication, and Journalism Departments are now housed in the building renovated specifically to nourish creative interaction between these disciplines.

The $3.3 million project rehabbed the 27,500 square feet of open space created when the old dining hall was gutted. The Burt Hill, Inc., design team emphasized open community spaces and a techy look that includes open ceilings, brightly colored panels alternating with black support beams, lots of glass, and an entry with plasma TVs and data projection displays of student work.

Film editing labs, a fully equipped television production studio, temperature-controlled film archives, and state-of-the-art writing and graphic design facilities are shared by all three programs. Students have been involved in all stages – providing input on furniture, designing the departmental logos that hang as banners on the building, and creating the art displayed on panels and projected by gobo lights in the entryway.

The New Hampshire Filmmaker Roundtable is a lunch-hour gathering of the state's film industry professionals, amateurs and students. Attendees are encouraged to come B.Y.O.L. (Bring Your Own Lunch!) Members of New Hampshire's film industry are encouraged to RSVP by Monday, March 3 via e-mail at film@nh.gov or by calling (603) 271-2220. For directions to Keene State College and the L.P. Young Student Center, visit http://www.keene.edu/aboutksc/directions.cfm.


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