Welcome to the official blog of the New Hampshire Film and Television Office! As we venture into the exciting new world of Web 2.0, the New Hampshire Film and Television Office is taking a look at how it disseminates news and other information to the members of the state's industry and beyond. One of the biggest questions we continuously ask ourselves is: How do we consolidate all of the information we create/receive and make it accessible to everyone by the simplest of means - while at the same time, allowing the Film Office to keep the distribution and maintenance of this information as efficient and clean as possible?
Our redesigned web site (www.nh.gov/film) made its debut in October 2005, and over the last 18 months we have been maintaining the "News and Events" portion of the site through a map of topic-specific channels (i.e., New Hampshire Film Industry News, Opportunities, Upcoming Screenings, Film Office Press Releases, etc.) We even have had a place to archive all of the press coverage the Film Office and the state's film and television industry has received. It has been a great starting point as we began to store all of this information on the site. However, it has become increasingly time-consuming to post news items and announcements in a number of different places.
That's where blogging and Web 2.0 comes in.
Now we have a tool where we can post all of our news, information, press clippings, etc., assign each item a label (or category) for easy browsing, and allow an increasing number of blog-savvy readers to receive a feed of all of our latest updates right to their front door, so to speak - while giving the Film Office the freedom to quickly post items and showcase a continuous thread of New Hampshire film-related news, all in one central location.
We will continue play around with this new technology and we look forward to seeing where it will lead. However, we are confident that our blog will quickly become a staple of our everyday operations and the primary source of news and information from the New Hampshire Film and Television Office and the state’s film and television industry.
Thank you for stopping by. We hope you will visit us often.
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