Los 10 Infaltables De La Primavera

Vestidos y túnicas: Exóticos motivos étnicos, formas geométricas y caleidoscópicas, patchwork, neobatik, salpicados y mucha psicodelia se incorporan en las diferentes propuestas de vestidos y túnicas.

¿Cómo llevarlas? Con superposición: so
bre pantalones pijamas, chupines, bermudas, trajes de baño y calzas. Cinturones y fajas para una opción más entallada y unas lindas sandalias chatas como cierre final.

1.(Rapsodia $369) - 2. (Dam $290) - 3. Jazmín Chebar $420) - 4. (María Cher $218).

Transparencias: Es el fetiche de la nueva temporada. De origen noble, la organza y la gasa son tejidos cristalinos, livianos, finos y exquisitos que insinúan con sutileza en prendas como blusas, vestidos volátiles y faldas con superposición de capas. Ideal para generar misterio y transmitir sensualidad.

1. (Rapsodia $369) - 2. (Las Pepas $129) - 3. (India Style $180).

Estampas floreadas: Flores, flores y más flores… En todas sus variedades (más que suficientes para no repetir) están más que presentes en esta temporada de la mano de un look bohemio, romántico y femenino. Túnicas, soleros, minis y calzados son algunas de las prendas que se contagian de este estallido primaveral.

Vestido de corte evasé con escote corazón y molo (Dam $260).

Enteritos mono: Vienen en variados modelos con diseños súper disímiles, pero todos comparten los mismos fines: comodidad, practicidad y vanguardismo.

Se pueden llevar solos o
superpuestos y su versión con short es una acertada elección para la playa, como también lo es la versión en raso o satén para la noche.

Mono de Jersey con botones (Rapsodia $199).

Del abanico de modelos de pantalones que tenemos para esta nueva temporada, se destacan los "palazzos", que dominaron la escena de la moda a fines de los 80 y en los 90. Los chupines, en colores y estampas para todos los gustos; y el pantalón pijama, realizados con telas livianas y de caída más holgada.

Jeans Chupín (Kosiuko, $168).

Volados: Los volados aparecen por todas partes buscando generar un rico juego de movimiento, frescura y volumen en la silueta femenina. Especialmente en faldas o vestidos, vienen en cascadas y se combinan con prendas más strech para generar mayor contraste. Lisos o estampados, todos valen y todos se reinventan para llevar de día o de noche.

Mini floreada con capas de volados (Complot $119 aprox.).

Sombreros de época: Llevar la cabeza cubierta es una de las tendencias de este verano. Sombrero de ala con espíritu vintage, con moño o con pañuelo, un seudobirrete o un bombín estampado para las más osadas son algunas de las elecciones.

Bombín forrado con aplique de flor (Los Vados del Ibsen, a pedido)

Colores cítricos: El verde lima, naranja y amarillo limón son el toque perfecto de vitalidad si estás vestida con prendas claras y neutras como blanco, marfil, natural y arena (tan en boga en esta temporada que busca un retorno a lo natural).
Además, estos colores causan una sensación de energía refrescante, ideal para disfrutar del verano

Cartera tipo baulito de cuero floter (Blaqué $389).

Maxibolsos: Y sigue vigente el reinado del bolso XL que nos viene acompañando desde tiempo atrás.
Pero se superan a sí mismos con aires renovados. Inspirados en motivos arty o con diseños retrofuturistas, son la mejor opción para quien busca practicidad y tendencia.

De cuero con efecto tornasolado, frunces y manijillas rígidas (Casa López $1390)

Sandalias romanas: Inspiradas en el calzado romano de los gladiadores, vienen con todo: tachas, apliques, hebillas, cordones, tiras entrelazadas. En cuero metalizado, de reptil o de colores, vienen en versiones bien chatas o con un minitaco. Conclusión: hay para todos los gustos.

2. (Claude Benard $550) 3. (Vía Uno) 4. (Las Pepas $499) 5. (Peruggia).



Vestido de gasa estampado
(María Cher, $940)

Un mix silvestre se impone en la temporada en que las flores reaparecen para combinarse en outfits románticos.

Llega la primavera y con ella se inicia una nueva temporada fashion que estará definida por una gran explosión de colores y estampados silvestres. Las flores, de todos los colores y tamaños, se transformarán en la marca distintiva de vestidos, camisolas, túnicas y accesorios.

photos BAFWEEK

Los Exitosos Pell$

Los Exitosos Pells, el fenómeno de la TV 2008

¿Por qué Los Exitosos Pells es la tira más vista en la TV local? Sin duda No hay una sola respuesta, sino un conjunto de circunstancias que favorecieron a la ficción.
Pero la consecuencia mas inmediata -además de ganar el rating en su franja- es analizar cómo hizo la tira para desbancar de la cima de la audiencia a Marcelo Tinelli con su reality show Bailando por un Sueño 2008.
Muchos son los que coinciden en que la propuesta de ShowMatch de baile y patín se viene agotando: arrancó en abril y continúa con a veces no muy aceptados estiramientos.
Otro hecho notable es la factura técnica, las deliciosas actuaciones y un libro que revela las pésimas costumbres en la televisión que hace honor al lema “por un punto de rating uno es capaz de vender a la vieja”.

También se juega el factor suerte y esta vez con la ficción Telefé le encontró la vuelta para competir de igual a igual con Tinelli, quien pierde por uno o dos puntos de diferencia (con Montecristo era Pablo Echarri quien estaba unos puntitos más abajo en 2006).
Hay un máxima que Adrián Suar, en su rol de productor y de gerente artístico de Canal 13, suele decir a sus colaboradores más íntimos: “Al margen de la calidad artística, el estreno de los productos está sujeto a dos variables: colocarlos en el momento justo y en el lugar adecuado”.
Parece que de este dato tomó nota el director de Contenidos de Telefé, Claudio Villarruel, que estudió cada paso antes de sacar al aire Los Pells. Sabía que Canal 13 y Tinelli no le iban a dejar el espacio libre. Era seguro que la tira iba a debutar un miércoles, la única noche en que Tinelli descansa de la pantalla.

Entonces Tinelli hizo una excepción y decidió arrancar el ritmo más promocionado del reality, el aqua dance, la misma noche del estreno de Los Pells. En la primera semana ganó el animador por una diferencia de cinco puntos, pero con el correr de los días la diferencia se achicó y cambió.

Guerra de estrategias

Telefé junto con Sebastián Ortega y Endemol Argentina decidieron redoblar la apuesta y desde hace una semana salen al aire con un capítulo y medio por noche, de una hora y media de duración. Esta estrategia, si se quiere inusual, Villarruel la puede implementar porque la tira arrancó con casi 40 capítulos adelantados. Desde en tonces, pasó al frente con el rating.
Mientras tanto, en la productora Ideas del Sur las reuniones son a toda hora para revertir la tendencia. Razón por la cual se sacó de la galera el ritmo bailando bajo la lluvia y bailando bajo la nieve. Como resultado, Tinelli logró un virtual empate o no perder por varios puntos de diferencia.
Es cierto que Tinelli ya no tiene mucho margen de maniobra. Sólo le queda menos de un mes por delante con ambos realities, pero desea terminar en lo más alto del rating y a este paso parece que llegar a la cima le costaría.
Por ahora Telefé mantendrá firme la estrategia de emitir un capítulo y medio por noche si es que Tinelli no sale con alguna otra sorpresa. Los Pells, sin un retoque en sus libros ni de producción parece que tiene un largo camino por recorrer. Sin escándalo alguno, la ficción se ganó también el elogio de la prensa especializada.
Esta comedia le aporta un valor estético pocas veces visto en la televisión. Aunque es bien cierto que tiene el antecedente de LaLola, del mismo creador de Los Pells, Sebastián Ortega, que en la pantalla de América sorprendió gratamente con una historia bien contada y con una interesante estética, como que por ejemplo no salen de Puerto Madero. Incluso hoy no sería exagerado hablar de un estilo Sebastián Ortega en nuestra pantalla vernácula.

by Diario Popular

Nylon - Lookbook II

Dorothy Lee


Nylon - Lookbook



"Iron Brides" select candidates, begins filming

[Received this press release from George Jobel of Iron Brides Productions, LLC.]

Reality TV Show Iron Brides™ Announces Local Finalists

Iron Brides is a New England based Reality TV show originating in NH. Season I (NH) filming begins November 22, 2008. This past weekend the show announced its selections of Contestants and Show Hosts.

New England’s new television show, Iron Brides™ announced its 8 finalists, 2 alternates and two show host during bridal shows last weekend. Four finalists were announced Friday, November 14, at the bridal show, Madeline's By Moonlight, held at Ethan Allen's Furniture in Portsmouth, NH and 4 finalists, 2 alternates and the show’s two hosts were announced in Concord (NH) at the bridal show, Capitol Bridal Affair, held at the Capitol Center For The Arts, Sunday, November 16th. The show’s Executive Producer, George C. Jobel, said “We are delighted to have found 10 such amazing women to compete in our inaugural season. Their diverse personalities, wit, skills and true grit are the very essence of great competitors.”

Engaged women, 21 or older, who planned to hold their ceremonies anywhere in New Hampshire, Southern Maine or Northern Massachusetts after February 1, 2009, were eligible to audition as contestants. Jobel reported about 75 women registered online, 45 actually submitted video auditions or attended open auditions held throughout NH and about 35 signed eligibility contracts with the show.

The selected participants include:


Nicole Corvini from Melrose, MA
Vania Crevier from Belmont, NH
Tricia Comi from Portsmouth, NH
Darlene Ramsey from York, ME
Amy Dole, Gonic, NH
Jennifer Lessard, Somersworth, NH
Kylin Szlosek, Hampton, NH
Tarryn Brandl, Milford, NH


Deanna Bennett, Warner, NH
Stephanie Douglass, Manchester, NH

Show Hosts:

Brian Eibert, Dover, NH
Jill Sullivan Grueter, Hampton, NH

Primary filming for the show begins on Saturday at locations in Nashua, Manchester and Suncook, NH. Other planned locations include Portsmouth, Londonderry and Sugar Hill, NH. The show is filming during three weekends before Christmas and an eight day week during January 2009.

The Iron Brides™ TV format is unique. The finalists will each be given demanding tasks of planning their weddings, be tested in life skills, athletic abilities, personality and more. The grand prize winner will walk away with a $9,000 dream wedding photography and videography package, with runner-ups receiving other wedding prizes for their big day.

Season II auditions (Boston) begin on November 21 in Salem, Massachusetts at the Hawthorne Hotel, 18 Washington Square West, from 2:00-8:00 PM.

The show’s website is www.IronBrides.TV. A Media Only Page has been created for the credentialed media containing biographical information, photographs, links to auditions, telephone numbers and email addresses of the participants. Call Executive Producer George C. Jobel (603.369.1471) or Associate Producer Joann Mills (603.717.2727) for access.


George C. Jobel, Executive Producer
Iron Brides™ Productions, LLC

New Hampshire movie theater news

Latest news on a couple of movie theaters here in new Hampshire:

IOKA Theater in Exeter to close. http://tinyurl.com/5f3e33

Peterborough movie theater for sale. http://tinyurl.com/5ux8u2

"Killing Dinner" completes principal photography

[Received this notice today from our friends at a713 production in Stratham.]

a713production of Stratham, New Hampshire and Beachfront Films of Venice, CA would like to announce that completion of principal photography on the film Killing Dinner.

Killing Dinner was written and directed by Mitch Ganem (Elvis Has Left the Building) a Wolfeboro, New Hampshire native now living in New York City. The film was produced by Tracey Becker (Finding Neverland)and Mark Constance (The Sensation of Sight) who will partner once again to produce the upcoming Losing Jerry, also to be directed by Ganem.

Killing Dinner is a black comedy in the tradition of Quentin Tarantino and David Mamet about a trio of ex-assassins involved in a love triangle. The cast includes Brett Cullen (Lost, The West Wing, Friday Night Lights), Molly Schreiber (Edge of Darkness), Neil McGarry (Brotherhood), Chase Bailey and Younger Robbins.

The film now in post production will be submitted to various film festivals around the world upon completion.

The film was shot entirely on location in Portsmouth and Hampton Beach, New Hampshire.

Planning started for 2009 New Hampshire High School Short Film Festival

The New Hampshire Film and Television Office is pleased to announce that it will present its second annual New Hampshire High School Short Film Festival on Saturday, May 16, 2009 at the New Hampshire Technical Institute in Concord, and students are encouraged to start planning and producing their projects for submission!

Our inaugural film festival, held this past May, was a huge success, having screened twenty student-produced short films representing fourteen high schools from around New Hampshire. Five of those films were selected as award winners and shown before public audiences at this year’s New Hampshire Film Festival in Portsmouth and the Somewhat North of Boston Film Festival in Concord. The films from these talented students ranged from historical documentaries to dramas to comedies and experimental music videos.

An important part of our mission at the New Hampshire Film and Television Office has always been to support and promote the efforts of our New Hampshire filmmakers, and student filmmakers are no exception. We feel student filmmaking is an exciting and essential piece of our industry here in New Hampshire, and we’re looking forward to again providing this opportunity to our state’s young talent.

The New Hampshire Film and Television Office will be getting information to all the high schools throughout the state about the 2009 New Hampshire High School Short Film Festival shortly. The submission period opens February 1, 2009 and closes on March 31, 2009. More details are available on the Film Festival website at www.nhstudentfilm.com.

This week's New Hampshire film links

Here's a couple of New Hampshire film notes found on the web this week -

>> We hear: Denis Leary, Rachael Ray, Brett Cullen... (Boston Herald, 11/12/2008)
>> Global issues localized on film (Seacoast Online, 11/10/2008)

MergingArts and Red River Theaters premiere Second Annual Short Short Story Film Festival

[Received this press release from Toni Pennacchia from MergingArts Productions on an upcoming short film festival at Red River Theatres in Concord.]

One-Day Event to Feature Over Thirty Films That Tell A Story In Five Minutes Or Less.

CONCORD, NH – A unique one-day event is coming this November 29th to Concord, New Hampshire. Co-presented by MergingArts Productions and The Red River Theatres, the second annual Short Short Story Film Festival will make its debut at The Red River at 11 South Main Street in downtown Concord. The festival will feature screenings throughout the day and the event is open to the public.

The festival will feature films of five minutes or less in length, all of which tell a story. Toni Pennacchia, Director of MergingArts Productions, says "Our idea is to present a wide variety of themes and moods in less than the time of a typical Hollywood movie. Most short film festivals allow for films of 10, 15, or more minutes in length. We wanted to keep things 'short and sweet' so to speak."

She continues, "Some pieces less than five minutes are trailers, music videos, public service announcements, or experimental non-narrative pieces. I wanted to keep the focus on story – films with a beginning, middle, and end. It's a greater challenge for the filmmaker, but it engages the audience more fully."

The festival made its debut in November of 2007, playing to a packed house in Providence, RI. For 2008, the festival organizers wanted to travel the festival to other areas in New England. "We wanted to find communities in New England where there is a good base of support for independent artists," says Pennacchia. "With The Red River in Concord, we have found a shared vision of entertaining and enlightening the New Hampshire public."

The festival will include more than thirty films in all, from as far away as Australia and Russia, and including a few entries from New England area filmmakers. Films are to be presented in two programs, the first consisting of lighter, more family-friendly fare called Heartstrings, and the second being a little edgier or darker called Headtrip.

Both live-action and animated films will be shown, running the gamut of styles, including Don't Make a Scene, a self-referential satire from New York City, My Happy End, a sentimental "tail" of friendship from Berlin, and The Heist, a sort of science fiction morality play from Vancouver. Pennacchia concludes, "If you are looking for something different to do after eating all the turkey you can handle on Thanksgiving, this is a great change of pace for both adults and kids."

MergingArts Productions is an organization dedicated to promoting music, visual arts, technology and media, bringing these elements to a variety of communities both locally and globally.

Red River Theatres' mission is to present film and the discussion of film as a way to entertain, broaden horizons and deepen appreciation of life for New Hampshire audiences of all ages.


For more information on the festival, contact Toni Pennacchia, Director of MergingArts Productions at tonip@mergingartsproductions.com, or visit http://www.mergingarts.com.

This week's New Hampshire film links

I'll try to update this weekly (and when I have links to share). But, in case you've missed these New Hampshire film-related stories recently...

>> Jumping, crashing and thrilling at film fest (Concord Monitor, 11/6/2008)
>> Casting call - NH filmmaker at work (The Hippo, 11/6/2008)
>> Chronicling life in the crash lane (Bedford Journal, 11/6/2008)
>> Film Festival opens three-day run (NewHampshire.com, 11/6/2008)
>> The 'Other Side' looks at the dark side (Bedford Journal, 10/24/2008)
>> Amherst man takes a shot at the big time (Nashua Telegraph, 10/23/2008)

SNOB Film Festival this weekend!

The 7th Annual SNOB (Somewhat North of Boston) Film Festival is happening this weekend from November 7-9 in Concord, NH.

The SNOB Film Festival, a grassroots community initiative, celebrates and supports independent filmmaking. It provides a forum for dialog and learning and showcases a wide variety of media. The SNOB Film Festival, in conjunction with Red River Theatres and the New Hampshire Technical Institute, provides an annual venue for films the public might not otherwise see.

Film schedule and ticket information available online at www.snobfilmfestival.org.

Visiting Artist in Residence - Wheaton College

Wheaton College (Norton, MA) seeks to appoint an accomplished filmmaker or artist working in time-based media as Visiting Artist in Residence for the fall and spring semester of 2009/2010. This part-time position will consist of two film-related courses to be taught, one per semester. The appointed Visiting Artist will provide courses and workshops in creative studio-based disciplines. We are especially interested in Artists and Professors who can provide students with specialized interdisciplinary connections in filmmaking and other exciting fields of study. Although benefits are not offered for this rotating instructor position, total compensation for the two classes will range from $12,000 - $15,000. All applications should be sent to the selection committee at Barbara Curtis, Department of Art & Art History, Visiting Artist in Film, Wheaton College, 26 East Main Street, Norton MA 02766. Applications should consist of a cover letter, two proposed courses, CV, teaching evaluations (if available), and work samples on DVD. Deadline for receipt of applications is February 1, 2009. More info on Wheaton’s film program at: www.myspace.com/wheatonfilm, www.wheatoncollege.edu

Pioneering war epic 'Wings' (1927) to be screened Monday, Nov. 10 for Veterans Day

Honor Veterans Day this year with a screening of 'Wings' (1927), a silent drama about World War I aviators that captured 'Best Picture' at the very first Academy Awards. Innovative early action film masterpiece was first to take viewers along in the cockpits of biplane fighters during high-altitude dogfights. Starring Clara Bow, Gary Cooper, Charles 'Buddy' Rogers, and Richard Arlen; directed by William Wellman. Original score performed live by New Hampshire composer Jeff Rapsis. One screening only, starts at 5:30 p.m. in the downstairs auditorium of Manchester Public Library, 405 Pine St., Manchester, N.H. Free admission but donations encouraged; proceeds to support the New Hampshire Aviation Museum at Boston-Manchester Regional Airport. Sponsored by HippoPress, The Manchester Express, Looser Than Loose Vintage Entertainment, and the New Hampshire Aviation Historical Society. All welcome, especially veterans.
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